# Clear out any constants in this reserved room! styles.content > # cat=advanced; type=int+; label= News Content PID: If your template has a column with "news"-content fetched from another page-id, this is where you enter the id-number of that page! styles.content.getNews.newsPid = 0 styles.content.lastUpdate { format = H:i d/m Y # cat=page//lastupdate; type=; label= Label for "Last update": Last update is shown in the bottom of the page if the "Last update" date entry is set for the page record. label = Last update: # cat=page//lastupdate; type=wrap; label= Wrap for "Last update" wrap =
# cat=page//lastupdate; type=comment; label= Automatic "Last update": Click this option, if you want to automatically show "Last update" on the page. comment_auto = # } styles.content.typo3_powered { #cat=advanced; type=options[,1,2]; label="TYPO3 Powered By" Logo: Select which - if any - TYPO3 logo will be displayed in the bottom of the page. number = 2 } styles.content.textStyle { # cat=content/cText/f1; type=small; label= Bodytext font face = # cat=content/cText/f2; type=int[1-5]; label= Bodytext size size = # cat=content/cText/f3; type=color; label= Bodytext color color = color1 = color2 = properties = # cat=content/cText/f4; type=wrap; label= Alternative wrap: This could be used to wrap the bodytext in
-tags if you would like to use a stylesheet instead altWrap = } styles.content.tableStyle { # cat=content/cTable; type=color; label= Tables background color color = color1 = color2 = alignField = } styles.content { # cat=content/cTable; type=wrap; label= Alternative wrap: This could be used to wrap the table content in
-tags if you would like to use a stylesheet instead table.altWrap = # cat=content/cBullets; type=wrap; label= Alternative wrap: This could be used to wrap the bullet list items in
-tags if you would like to use a stylesheet instead bulletlist.altWrap = } styles.content.links { keep = path # cat=content/links; type=small; label= Target for external links extTarget = _blank target = {$PAGE_TARGET} # cat=content/links; type=wrap; label= Wrap for links in text wrap = allowTags = b,i,u,a,img,br,div,center,pre,font,hr,sub,sup,p,strong,em,li,ul,ol,blockquote,strike,span # cat=content/cSearch; type=wrap; label= Searchwords markup: Wrap for markup of search-words in text upon a search. sword = | } styles.content.uploads { # cat=content/cUploads; type=wrap; label= Wrap: Wrap for content element "Filelinks" wrap = | labelWrap = sizeWrap = tdWrap = | # cat=content/cUploads; type=wrap; label= Wrap, description: Wrap for the description of content element "Filelinks". If this is NOT set, the description will not shown up. descriptionWrap = jumpurl_secure = jumpurl_secure_mimeTypes = pdf=application/pdf, doc=application/msword jumpurl = } styles.content.frames { ruler.lineColor = black ruler.lineThickness = 1 ruler.before = 10 ruler.after = 10 padding = 10 indent = 30 # cat=content//; type=color; label= Frame 1 background color: Set the background color of the content element frame "frame1". 1.bgCol = silver # cat=content//; type=color; label= Frame 2 background color: Set the background color of the content element frame "frame2". 2.bgCol = silver # cat=content//; type=color; label= Frame 2 border color: Set the border color of the content element frame "frame2". 2.borderCol = black 2.borderThickness = 2 33_66cell = } styles.content.imgFrames { # cat=advanced; type=color; label= Image Frame BgColor: Set the background color of the image frames. Should match the background of the page. bgCol = white bottomCol = black # cat=advanced; type=options[darkroom,artist]; label= Image Frame Collection: Sets which framecollection is used to frame images. frameCollection = darkroom # cat=advanced; type=comment; label= Image Frame underlay: Set this flag to disable the black frame underlay. comment_bottom = path = EXT:statictemplates/media/frames/ } styles.content.imgtext { # TIP! if register[maxImageWidth] is set, this will override maxW # cat=content,basic/cImage/a_maxw1; type=int+; label= Max Image Width: This indicates that maximum number of pixels (width) a block of images inserted as content is allowed to consume. maxW = 600 # cat=content/cImage/a_maxw2; type=int+; label= Max Image Width (Text): Same as above, but this is the maximum width when text is wrapped around an imageblock. Default is 50% of the normal Max Image Width maxWInText = # cat=content/cImage/b; type=color; label= Image border color: Bordercolor of images in content elements when "Border"-option for element is set. borderColor = black # cat=content/cImage/b; type=int[0-100]; label= Image border thickness: Thickness of border around images in content elements when "Border"-option for element is set. borderThick = 2 # cat=content/cImage/x; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Column space: Horizontal distance between images in a block in content elements of type "Image" or "Text w/Image". colSpace = 10 # cat=content/cImage/x; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Row space: Vertical distance between images in a block in content elements of type "Image" or "Text w/Image". rowSpace = 10 # cat=content/cImage/x; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Margin to text: Horizontal distance between an imageblock and text in content elements of type "Image" or "Text w/Image". textMargin = 10 linkWrap.width = 800m linkWrap.height = 600m linkWrap.effects = # cat=content/cImage/x; type=boolean; label= Advanced, New window: If set, every click-enlarged image will open in it's own popup window and not the current popup window (which may have a wrong size for the image to fit in) linkWrap.newWindow = 0 # cat=content/cImage/c; type=wrap; label= Images, caption: Wrap around the caption of imageblocks. captionWrap = | # cat=content/cImage/c; type=boolean; label= Images, caption split: If this is checked, then the image caption will be split by each line and they will appear underneath the corresponding image in the imagelist. captionSplit = 0 target = {$PAGE_TARGET} comment_CSL-LinkList = # } styles.content.mailform { fieldWrap = labelWrap = commentWrap = radioWrap = |
REQ.labelWrap = border = 5 target = {$PAGE_TARGET} # cat=content/cMailform; type=; label= Message, Formmail OK: This is the message (if any) that is popped-up (JavaScript) when a user clicks "send" with an email-form goodMess = # cat=content/cMailform; type=; label= Message, Formmail Missing: This is the message that is popped-up when a user has NOT filled required fields in an email-form badMess = comment_type2 = # } styles.content.loginform { target = _top # cat=content/cLogin; type=int+; label= PID of user archive: Enter the page-uid number (PID) of the folder where you keep your fe_users that are supposed to login on this site. This setting is necessary, if login is going to work! pid = # cat=content/cLogin; type=; label= Message, Login: This is the message (if any) that is popped-up when a user logs in as a front-end user goodMess = } styles.content.searchform { # cat=content/cSearch; type=; label= Message, Searchform: This is the message (if any) that is popped-up when a user performs a search goodMess = } styles.content.columns { totalWidth = gapWidth = 10 gapLineThickness = 1 } styles.content.searchresult { face = Verdana size = 1 color = navy head.face = Verdana head.size = 2 head.color = black target = {$PAGE_TARGET} resultTarget = {$PAGE_TARGET} header.wrap = | header.bgCol = silver } styles.content.meta { # cat=page; type=; label= META-tag description: Enter a general description for the site. Will appear on all pages in addition to page-specific descriptions. site_description = # cat=page; type=; label= META-tag keywords: Enter general keywords for the site. Will appear on all pages in addition to page-specific keywords. site_keywords = } # cat=page/language; type=comment; label= DK language: Set this value to enable Danish labels on Form- and Search-objects. "" = Danish, "#" = (Default) # cat= comment_DK = # # cat=advanced/links; type=small; label= Target for internal links: Should match the name of the content PAGE-object in TypoScript when used with frames. Most cases: Set to "page" if you have frames in the template. If not, set to "" (empty) PAGE_TARGET = page Setup: styles.content (default) [GLOBAL] # Clear out any constants in this reserved room! styles.content > # get content styles.content.get = CONTENT styles.content.get { table = tt_content select.orderBy = sorting select.where = colPos=0 select.languageField = sys_language_uid } # get content, left styles.content.getLeft < styles.content.get styles.content.getLeft.select.where = colPos=1 # get content, right styles.content.getRight < styles.content.get styles.content.getRight.select.where = colPos=2 # get content, margin styles.content.getBorder < styles.content.get styles.content.getBorder.select.where = colPos=3 # get news styles.content.getNews < styles.content.get styles.content.getNews.select.pidInList = {$styles.content.getNews.newsPid} # std bodyTag. # NOTE: These constants inserted are NOT defined in the constants-field of this template!! styles.content.bodyTag = # std metaTag styles.content.meta { KEYWORDS.data = page: keywords KEYWORDS.keywords = 1 KEYWORDS.wrap = |,{$styles.content.meta.site_keywords} KEYWORDS.htmlSpecialChars = 1 DESCRIPTION.data = page: description DESCRIPTION.trim = 1 DESCRIPTION.wrap = |. {$styles.content.meta.site_description} DESCRIPTION.htmlSpecialChars = 1 } # std last updated styles.content.lastUpdate = TEXT styles.content.lastUpdate { data = page:lastUpdated if.isTrue.data = page:lastUpdated date = {$styles.content.lastUpdate.format} wrap = {$styles.content.lastUpdate.label}  | wrap2 = {$styles.content.lastUpdate.wrap} {$styles.content.lastUpdate.comment_auto} data = register : SYS_LASTCHANGED {$styles.content.lastUpdate.comment_auto} if > } styles.content.typo3_credit = TEXT styles.content.typo3_credit { value = This site is dynamicly generated by TYPO3 CMS - freely available from www.typo3.com! lang.dk = Dette website er dynamisk genereret af TYPO3 CMS - frit tilg�ngeligt fra www.typo3.dk! wrap =


} styles.content.typo3_powered = IMAGE styles.content.typo3_powered{ file = EXT:statictemplates/media/uploads/typo3power{$styles.content.typo3_powered.number}.gif linkWrap = | wrap =

} # parsefunc styles.content.parseFunc { makelinks = 1 makelinks.http.keep = {$styles.content.links.keep} makelinks.http.extTarget = {$styles.content.links.extTarget} makelinks.http.wrap = {$styles.content.links.wrap} makelinks.mailto.keep = path makelinks.mailto.wrap = {$styles.content.links.wrap} tags { link = TEXT link { current = 1 typolink.parameter.data = parameters : allParams typolink.extTarget = {$styles.content.links.extTarget} typolink.target = {$styles.content.links.target} typolink.wrap = {$styles.content.links.wrap} parseFunc.constants =1 } } allowTags = {$styles.content.links.allowTags} denyTags = * sword = {$styles.content.links.sword} constants = 1 } # textstyle styles.content.textStyle { align.field = text_align face.field = text_face size.field = text_size color.field = text_color properties.field = text_properties face.default = {$styles.content.textStyle.face} face.default.override.data = register: textStyle_face size.default = {$styles.content.textStyle.size} size.default.override.data = register: textStyle_size color.default = {$styles.content.textStyle.color} color.default.override.data = register: textStyle_color properties.default = {$styles.content.textStyle.properties} properties.default.override.data = register: textStyle_properties color.1 = {$styles.content.textStyle.color1} color.2 = {$styles.content.textStyle.color2} altWrap = {$styles.content.textStyle.altWrap} } # tablestyle styles.content.tableStyle { align.field = {$styles.content.tableStyle.alignField} border.field = table_border cellspacing.field = table_cellspacing cellpadding = 1 cellpadding.override.field = table_cellpadding color.field = table_bgColor color.default = {$styles.content.tableStyle.color} color.1 = {$styles.content.tableStyle.color1} color.2 = {$styles.content.tableStyle.color2} } # pageframes styles.content.frames = CASE styles.content.frames { key.field = section_frame 1 = TEXT 1.value =
5 = HRULER 5.lineThickness = {$styles.content.frames.ruler.lineThickness} 5.lineColor = {$styles.content.frames.ruler.lineColor} 5.stdWrap.spaceBefore = {$styles.content.frames.ruler.before} 5.stdWrap.spaceAfter = {$styles.content.frames.ruler.after} 6 = COA 6.1 = TEXT 6.1.value = | 6.2 < .5 10 = TEXT 10.value =
11 = TEXT 11.value = {$styles.content.frames.33_66cell}
12 = TEXT 12.value = {$styles.content.frames.33_66cell}
20 = TEXT 20.value =
21 = TEXT 21.value =
21.wrap =
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1.spaceBefore = 5 1.br = 1 } captionSplit = {$styles.content.imgtext.captionSplit} captionSplit.cObject = TEXT captionSplit.cObject.field = imagecaption captionSplit.stdWrap < .caption.1 captionSplit.stdWrap { field > if > } borderCol = {$styles.content.imgtext.borderColor} borderThick = {$styles.content.imgtext.borderThick} colSpace = {$styles.content.imgtext.colSpace} rowSpace = {$styles.content.imgtext.rowSpace} textMargin = {$styles.content.imgtext.textMargin} editIcons = tt_content : image [imageorient|imagewidth|imageheight], [imagecols|image_noRows|imageborder],[image_link|image_zoom],[image_compression|image_effects|image_frames],imagecaption[imagecaption_position] editIcons.iconTitle=Edit images caption.editIcons = tt_content : imagecaption[imagecaption_position] caption.editIcons.beforeLastTag=1 caption.editIcons.iconTitle = Edit image caption } # NOTE: Based on "current" to be set to the bulletlist content on beforehand! styles.content.bulletlist = TEXT styles.content.bulletlist { current = 1 trim = 1 if.isTrue.current = 1 parseFunc < styles.content.parseFunc split { token.char = 10 cObjNum = 1 1.current = 1 1.wrap =
  • |
  • } fontTag =
    textStyle < styles.content.textStyle textStyle.altWrap = {$styles.content.bulletlist.altWrap} } # NOTE: Based on "current" to be set to the bulletlist content on beforehand! styles.content.bulletlist_gr < styles.content.bulletlist styles.content.bulletlist_gr { split { 1.wrap = | 1.textStyle < styles.content.textStyle 1.textStyle.altWrap = {$styles.content.bulletlist.altWrap} } wrap = |
    fontTag > textStyle > } # NOTE: Based on "current" to be set to the table content on beforehand! styles.content.table = TEXT styles.content.table { current = 1 if.isTrue.current = 1 trim = 1 parseFunc < styles.content.parseFunc split { token.char = 10 cObjNum = 1 || 2 1.current = 1 1.trim =1 1.required = 1 1.split { token = | max.field = cols min.field = cols cObjNum = 1 || 2 1.current = 1 1.fontTag = |  1.textStyle < styles.content.textStyle 1.textStyle.altWrap = {$styles.content.table.altWrap} 1.wrap = | 2 < .1 } 2 < .1 wrap = | } tableStyle < styles.content.tableStyle } # uploads styles.content.uploads = TEXT styles.content.uploads { current = 1 override.filelist.field = select_key trim = 1 required = 1 split { token = , cObjNum = 1 1.current = 1 1.trim =1 1.filelink { path = uploads/media/ path.override.field = select_key path.override.listNum = 0 path.override.listNum.splitChar = | size = 1 size.wrap = {$styles.content.uploads.tdWrap} size.innerWrap =     size.innerWrap2 = {$styles.content.uploads.sizeWrap} size.fontTag = {$styles.content.uploads.wrap} size.bytes = 1 size.if.isTrue.field = filelink_size labelStdWrap.fontTag = {$styles.content.uploads.labelWrap} file.fontTag = {$styles.content.uploads.wrap} file.wrap = {$styles.content.uploads.tdWrap} file.postCObject = TEXT file.postCObject { field = imagecaption required = 1 if.directReturn = {$styles.content.uploads.descriptionWrap} wrap =
    {$styles.content.uploads.descriptionWrap} listNum.stdWrap.data = register : SPLIT_COUNT listNum.splitChar = 10 } stdWrap.wrap = | target = _blank jumpurl = {$styles.content.uploads.jumpurl} jumpurl.secure = {$styles.content.uploads.jumpurl_secure} jumpurl.secure.mimeTypes = {$styles.content.uploads.jumpurl_secure_mimeTypes} removePrependedNumbers = 1 } } tableStyle < styles.content.tableStyle } styles.content.uploads_icons < styles.content.uploads styles.content.uploads_icons.split.1.filelink { icon = 1 icon.wrap2 = | icon_link = 1 } styles.content.uploads_imgicons < styles.content.uploads_icons styles.content.uploads_imgicons.split.1.filelink { icon_image_ext_list.data = global: TYPO3_CONF_VARS|GFX|imagefile_ext icon.wrap = {$_blackBorderWrap} } # columns styles.content.columns = COLUMNS styles.content.columns { 1 = CONTENT 1 { table = tt_content select.orderBy = sorting select.where = colPos=1 select.languageField = sys_language_uid } 2 < .1 2.select.where = colPos=2 gapWidth = {$styles.content.columns.gapWidth} gapLineThickness = {$styles.content.columns.gapLineThickness} if.isTrue.numRows < .1 if.isTrue.ifEmpty.numRows < .2 totalWidth = {$styles.content.columns.totalWidth} } # mailform styles.content.mailform = FORM styles.content.mailform { layout = ###LABEL######FIELD### labelWrap.wrap = {$styles.content.mailform.labelWrap} fieldWrap.wrap = {$styles.content.mailform.fieldWrap} commentWrap.wrap = {$styles.content.mailform.commentWrap} radioWrap.wrap = {$styles.content.mailform.radioWrap} REQ = 1 REQ.labelWrap.wrap = {$styles.content.mailform.REQ.labelWrap} COMMENT.layout = ###LABEL### stdWrap.wrap = |
    target = {$styles.content.mailform.target} goodMess = {$styles.content.mailform.goodMess} badMess = {$styles.content.mailform.badMess} redirect.field = pages redirect.listNum = 0 recipient.field = subheader data.field = bodytext # type.field = form_type type > locationData = 1 } {$styles.content.mailform.comment_type2} styles.content.mailform.layout = ###LABEL###
    ###FIELD### {$styles.content.mailform.comment_type2} styles.content.mailform.COMMENT.layout = ###LABEL### # loginform styles.content.loginform < styles.content.mailform styles.content.loginform { goodMess = {$styles.content.loginform.goodMess} redirect > recipient > data > dataArray { 10.label = Username: 10.type = *user=input 20.label = Password: 20.type = *pass=password 30.type = logintype=hidden 30.value = login 40.type = submit=submit 40.value = Login } type.field = pages type.listNum = 0 target = {$styles.content.loginform.target} locationData = 0 hiddenFields.pid = TEXT hiddenFields.pid { value = {$styles.content.loginform.pid} override.field = pages override.listNum = 1 } } [loginUser = *] styles.content.loginform { dataArray > dataArray { 10.label = Username: 20 > 30.type = logintype=hidden 30.value = logout 40.type = submit=submit 40.value = Logout } } [global] # searchform styles.content.searchform < styles.content.mailform styles.content.searchform { goodMess = {$styles.content.searchform.goodMess} redirect > recipient > data > dataArray { 10.label = Searchword: 10.type = sword=input 20.label = Search in: 20.type = scols=select 20.valueArray { 10.label = Headers and keywords 10.value = pages.title-subtitle-keywords-description:tt_content.header 20.label = Pagecontent 20.value = tt_content.header-bodytext-imagecaption } 30.type = stype=hidden 30.value = L0 40.type = submit=submit 40.value = Search now! } type.field = pages type.listNum = 0 locationData = HTTP_POST_VARS no_cache = 1 } # searchresult styles.content.searchresult = SEARCHRESULT styles.content.searchresult { allowedCols = pages.title-subtitle-keywords-description : tt_content.header-bodytext-imagecaption : tt_address.name-title-address-email-company-city-country : tt_links.title-note-note2-url : tt_board.subject-message-author-email : tt_calender.title-note : tt_products.title-note-itemnumber languageField.tt_content = sys_language_uid renderObj = COA renderObj { 10 = TEXT 10.field = pages_title 10.htmlSpecialChars = 1 10.textStyle { face.default = {$styles.content.searchresult.head.face} size.default = {$styles.content.searchresult.head.size} color.default = {$styles.content.searchresult.head.color} } 10.fontTag = | 10.typolink.parameter.field = uid 10.typolink.target = {$styles.content.searchresult.resultTarget} 10.typolink.additionalParams.data = register:SWORD_PARAMS 10.typolink.additionalParams.required = 1 10.typolink.additionalParams.wrap = &no_cache=1 10.wrap = | 10.spaceBefore = 6 20 = COA 20 { 10 = TEXT 10.field = tt_content_bodytext 10.htmlSpecialChars = 1 10.stripHtml = 1 } 20.stdWrap.crop = 200 | ... 20.stdWrap.wrap = | 20.stdWrap.textStyle { face.default = {$styles.content.searchresult.face} size.default = {$styles.content.searchresult.size} color.default = {$styles.content.searchresult.color} } } renderWrap = |
    layout = COA layout { wrap = |
    ###RESULT### 10 = TEXT 10.value = Searchresult: ###RANGELOW###-###RANGEHIGH### of ###TOTAL### 10.fontTag = {$styles.content.searchresult.header.wrap} 10.wrap = | 20 = TEXT 20.value = ###PREV###   ###NEXT### 20.fontTag = {$styles.content.searchresult.header.wrap} 20.wrap = | } noResultObj = COA noResultObj { wrap = |
    10 = TEXT 10.value = Sorry, your search was empty! 10.fontTag = {$styles.content.searchresult.header.wrap} 10.wrap = | } next = TEXT next.value = Next prev = TEXT prev.value = Prev target = {$styles.content.searchresult.target} range = 20 } styles.content.editPanelPage = COA styles.content.editPanelPage { 10 = EDITPANEL 10 { # move,new,edit,hide allow = toolbar,move,hide label = Page: %s } /* 20 = EDITPANEL 20 { newRecordFromTable = tt_content line = 5 label = New content... } */ } styles.content.RTE_encaps_stylesheets { encapsTagList = div,p,pre remapTag.DIV = P nonWrappedTag = P innerStdWrap_all.ifEmpty =   defaultAlign.field = text_align } styles.content.RTE_encaps_fontwrap < styles.content.RTE_encaps_stylesheets styles.content.RTE_encaps_fontwrap { # Forcing these attributes onto the encapsulation-tags if any addAttributes.P.style=margin:0 0 0 0; addAttributes.PRE.style=margin:0 0 0 0; color:navy; encapsLinesStdWrap.P.textStyle < styles.content.textStyle encapsLinesStdWrap.P.textStyle.align> }