[TYPO3-german] Powermail - Prefill befüllen aus Datenbank von der Extension news

Börge Hendrik sproede at gmx.de
Sat Apr 25 12:17:17 CEST 2015

nutze: Typo3 6.2
Extensions: Powermail und News

Nun wollte ich ein Formular generieren, welches als Thema aus Auswahlfeld nutzt,
in diesem Auswahlfeld sollen die Daten / Tag aus der News Extension angezeigt werden.

Schritt 1: 
- lib ausgedacht: lib.newsCategory

Schritt 2:
- Powermail -> Seite angelegt -> Formular angelegt -> Feld Thema angelegt als Typ "Auswahlfeld"
- In das Feld unter (Erweitert) unter "Aus TypoScript generieren (z.B. lib.fieldvalues)" eingetragen: lib.newsCategory
[FRAGE 1: Ich denke hier ist kein viewhelper notwendige oder?]

Schritt 3:
- Typoscriptdatei extern erstellt und eingebunden, die Datei hat folgendes Script:
lib.newsCategory = COA_INT
lib.newsCategory {
    settings {
      setup {
        prefill {
          topic = CONTENT
          topic {
            table = tx_news_domain_model_tag
            #Name der Tabelle in der Tag gespeichert sind.
            select {
              pidInList = 19
              #ID in der die News/Nachrichten gespeichert werden
              andWhere {
                data = GP:title
                #Name des Feldes in der Tabelle in der die Inhalte von Tag gespeichert sind
                wrap = tx_news_domain_model_tag.uid=|
            renderObj = TEXT
            renderObj.field = title

Im Frontent taucht im Auswahlfeld nun aber lediglich folgendes auf:
Die Nummer ändern sich mit jeder aktualisierung.

Vor dem zuvor genannten Typoscript habe ich noch:
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup {
        # Save values to any table (example for tt_adress)
        dbEntry {
                        ### EXAMPLE for adding values to table tt_address ###

                        # Enable or disable db entry for table tt_address
                        tx_news_domain_model_news._enable = TEXT
                        tx_news_domain_model_news._enable.value = 1

                        # Write only if any field is not yet filled with current value (e.g. test if an email is already in database)
                                # default: always add new records (don't care about existing values)
                                # update: update record if there is an existing entry (e.g. if email is already there)
                                # none: no entry if field is filled (do nothing if record already exists)
                        #tt_address._ifUnique.email = update

                        # Fill new record of table "tt_address" with field "email" with a static value => mail (at) mail.com
                        #tt_address.email = TEXT
                        #tt_address.email.value = mail (at) mail.com

                        # Fill new record of table "tt_address" with field "pid" with the current pid (e.g. 12)
                        tx_news_domain_model_news.pid = TEXT
                        tx_news_domain_model_news.pid.data = TSFE:id

                        # Fill new record of table "tt_address" with field "tstamp" with the current time as timestamp (like 123456789)
                        tx_news_domain_model_news.tstamp = TEXT
                        tx_news_domain_model_news.tstamp.data = date:U

                        # Fill new record of table "tt_address" with field "address" with the current formatted time (like "Date: 20.01.2013")
                        #tt_address.address = TEXT
                        #tt_address.address.data = date:U
                        #tt_address.address.strftime = Date: %d.%m.%Y

                        # Fill new record of table "tt_address" with field "name" with the value from powermail {firstname}
                        tx_news_domain_model_news.title = TEXT
                        tx_news_domain_model_news.title.field = title

                        # Fill new record of table "tt_address" with field "last_name" with the value from powermail {lastname}
                        tx_news_domain_model_news.teaser = TEXT
                        tx_news_domain_model_news.teaser.field = teaser

                        # Fill new record of table "tt_address" with field "company" with the value from powermail {company}
                        tx_news_domain_model_news.bodytext = TEXT
                        tx_news_domain_model_news.bodytext.field = news

                        ### EXAMPLE for adding values to table tt_address_group_mm ###
                        ### Add relation to an existing address group with uid 123 ###

                        # Enable or disable db entry for table tt_address_group_mm
                        #tt_address_group_mm._enable = TEXT
                        #tt_address_group_mm._enable.value = 1

                        # Fill new record of table "tt_address_group_mm" with field "uid_local" with uid of tt_address record that was just created before with .field=uid_[tablename]
                        #tt_address_group_mm.uid_local = TEXT
                        #tt_address_group_mm.uid_local.field = uid_tt_address

                        # Fill new record of table "tt_address_group_mm" with field "uid_foreign" with uid 123
                        #tt_address_group_mm.uid_foreign = TEXT
                        #tt_address_group_mm.uid_foreign.value = 123
Mit diesem Code werden Inhalte in die Datenbank von der News Extension gespeichert.

Jemand eine Idee, wo mein Fehler liegt?

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