[TYPO3-german] formhandler: formular ausblenden nach X datenbankträgen

Thomas Pronold tp at tpronold.de
Mon May 12 11:21:25 CEST 2014

Funktioniert wunderbar, hier die Codesnippets, falls mal jemand über diese Frage stolpert:


class Tx_Industrieformdata_Interceptor_Stop70 extends Tx_Formhandler_AbstractInterceptor {

     * The main method called by the controller
     * @return array The probably modified GET/POST parameters
    public function process() {


        $query = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery("COUNT('uid') AS cnt", 'tx_industrieformdata_domain_model_registrations', 'pid=16 AND deleted=0 AND hidden=0', '', '', '1');
        if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($query)) {

            if ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
                if ($row['cnt'] >= $this->settings['registationLimit']) {
                    if ($this->settings['redirectPage']) {
                        $this->utilityFuncs->doRedirectBasedOnSettings($this->settings, $this->gp);
                        return 'Registration closed';

        return $this->gp;


 initInterceptors {
    1    {
      class = Tx_Industrieformdata_Interceptor_Stop70
      config {
        redirectPage = 18
        registationLimit = 70
emailobfuscator (improved email spam protection)

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