[TYPO3-german] old design needs to be replaced with new one

bernd wilke t3ng at bernd-wilke.net
Mon Jan 6 15:32:59 CET 2014

Am 06.01.14 09:45, schrieb Leokadia Angela:
> I have a website with Typo3 and I want to have a new design. Until i
> have developed the new design the old website should stay alive. Is
> there any way that I can use the current installation for development or
> do I have to do a new Typo3 installation, do my new design development
> and adding the new content first and than upload the files to the old
> website? But even if that is possible how do I update the content so
> fast? Sorry I am fairly new to Typo3 and I do not know how this should
> be done. Please help. Many Thanks

just changing the design (html-markup+css+js+needed images) can be done 
parallel to an existing live-website.

you may use another pagetype, another (sub)domain or just an additional 
if you have a complete other design it could be the easiest to use 
another pagetype (which may be rewritten from another (sub)domain).

you will need the matching conditions in your typoscript.
in extreme you will exchange your complete typoscript, which is easiest 
with another pagetype.

just some hints:
for building up a design it is easier to exchange it later if all files 
start with a given path which is stored in a typoscript-constant and 
where every usage is based on this constant.

sysBase = fileadmin/sys

sysCssBase = {$sysBase}/css
sysImgBase = {$sysBase}/img
sysHtmlBase = {$sysBase}/html
sysJsBase = {$sysBase}/js


page {
	includeCSS {
		file1 = {$sysCssBase}/file1.css
		file2 = {$sysCssBase}/file2.css
	includeJS {
		file1 = {$sysJsBase}/file1.js

in case of an redesign you just need a condition in your TS-constant:

sysBase = fileadmin/sys
["condition for newdesign testing"]
sysBase = fileadmin/sys2

if you also want to change structure (pagetree) or content (tt_content 
or extension) the easier way is to use a second installation, maybe with 
a clone of the old installation as a start.


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