[TYPO3-german] Template mit Subpart

Georg Rehfeld georg.rehfeld at gmx.de
Sun Jun 17 19:47:31 CEST 2007

Hi Christian,

Christian Hensel wrote:
> damit hat es prima geklappt, habe es aber elicht modifiziert:
>   $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
>                 '*',
>                 'be_users',
>                 'disable=1 and deleted=0'
>          );

Du solltest besser _nicht_ 'disable=1 and deleted=0' benutzen, sondern
eben doch $this->cObj->enableFields('be_users'), weil die Methode eben
mehr tut, als immer diesen String zurückzuliefern. Kommentar der Methode
aus sysext/cms/tslib/class.tslib_content.php:

  * Returns a part of a WHERE clause which will filter out records with
  * start/end times or hidden/fe_groups fields set to values that should
  * de-select them according to the current time, preview settings or
  * user login. Definitely a frontend function.
  * THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT FUNCTION: Basically you must add the output
  * from this function for EVERY select query you create for selecting
  * records of tables in your own applications - thus they will always be
  * filtered according to the "enablefields" configured in TCA.
  * Simply calls t3lib_pageSelect::enableFields() BUT will send the
  * show_hidden flag along! This means this function will work in
  * conjunction with the preview facilities of the frontend engine/Admin
  * Panel.
  * @param  string   The table for which to get the where clause.
  * @param  boolean  If set, then you want NOT to filter out hidden
  *                  records. Otherwise hidden record are filtered based
  *                  on the current preview settings.
  * @return string   The part of the where clause in the form
  *                  " AND [fieldname]=0 AND ...". Eg.
  *                  " AND hidden=0 AND starttime < 123345567"
  * @see t3lib_pageSelect::enableFields()
function enableFields($table,$show_hidden=0) { ...

Gruß, Georg
   ___   ___
  | + | |__    Georg Rehfeld      Woltmanstr. 12     20097 Hamburg
  |_|_\ |___   georg.rehfeld.nospam at gmx.de    +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

               (Delete .nospam from mail address)

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