[TYPO3-english] Reduce amount of queries for megamenu

Christian Welzel gawain at camlann.de
Fri Jun 16 09:29:38 CEST 2017

Am 16.06.17 um 09:00 schrieb Naberd Zendi:
> it's an multilanguage site..  also depending on logged in user some 
> groups have their own pages to which they have acces too. so i can't 
> really cache it.

You could try to use the cache feature from stdWrap.
Take a look:

If you can find a combination of your data suitable for the key and
tags, than that cache is system-wide and does not depend on the page.

  MfG, Christian Welzel

   GPG-Key:     http://www.camlann.de/de/pgpkey.html
   Fingerprint: 4F50 19BF 3346 36A6 CFA9 DBDC C268 6D24 70A1 AD15

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