[TYPO3-english] templavoila: access parent flexform field in nested FCE with Typoscript

Gerhard Mehsel sparking at gmx.net
Wed Feb 17 00:22:06 CET 2016


I have a multilevel nested TV FCE that contains sections and containers 
in sections and containers for other elements.
Why? In some situations the markup of the rendered FCE differs a little 
bit from the default output (some elements should sometimes be hidden, 
others should be rendered in columns instead of a single div etc.). A 
content editor should be able to respekt this with choosing a value from 
a selectbox at top of the FCE in backend.

The FCE looks like that for example:

- Section Level 1
-- CO
--- Selectbox: field_type
--- ...
--- ...
--- Section Level 2
---- CO
----- ...
----- EL, Rendering with Typoscript: field_abc
----- EL: field_xyz
----- ...

Within the same level I can change the output of an elemen with 
Typoscript because I can access other flexform fields
10 = TEXT
10 {
  field = field_abc
  if.isTrue.field = field_xyz
  wrap = <h3>|</h3>

But while preparing the field_abc (level 2) it is not possible to access 
the value from field_type on level 1, is it?

What can I do?

Best regards,

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