[TYPO3-english] XClass itemsProcFunc

Jan Bartels j.bartels at arcor.de
Sun Feb 22 12:24:40 CET 2015

I'm migrating an extension based on EXT:cal from Typo3 4.5 to 6.2 but I 
don't get the XClassing of tx_cal_itemsProcFunc running.

I've replaced the registration code in my ext_localconf.php from

// XCLASS Typo3 4.5
  ['ext/cal/res/class.tx_cal_itemsProcFunc.php'] =


// XCLASS Typo3 6.2
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['Objects']['tx_cal_itemsProcFunc'] =
  array('className' => 'ux_tx_cal_itemsProcFunc');

and added ux_tx_cal_itemsProcFunc to ext_autoload.php:

$extensionPath = t3lib_extMgm::extPath ('my_cal');
return array (
   'ux_tx_cal_itemsProcFunc' =>
     $extensionPath . 'class.ux_tx_cal_itemsProcFunc.php',

The itemsProcFunc should be called by the original TCA of cal:

$TCA ['tx_cal_event'] = Array (
   'ctrl' => $TCA ['tx_cal_event'] ['ctrl'],
   'columns' => Array (
     'calendar_id' => Array (
       'config' => Array (
         'type' => 'select',
         'itemsProcFunc' => 'tx_cal_itemsProcFunc->getRecords',
         'itemsProcFunc_config' => array ( ... ),

While this worked without any problems on Typo3 4.5, my XClassed 
itemsProcFunc isn't called anymore on Typo3 6.2. I expected that 
ux_tx_cal_itemsProcFunc->getRecords would be called instead of 
tx_cal_itemsProcFunc->getRecords but Typo3 6.2 calls the original one.

Are there any more things to do? Has Typo3 6.2 introduced a breaking 
change concerning XClassing TCA-itemsProcFuncs that I'm not aware of? Do 
any restrictions apply concerning filenames or directories?


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