[TYPO3-english] Layouts for partials or any other way to avoid copy-paste in templates

Viktor Livakivskyi invisible.kinder at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 15:04:39 CEST 2015

Hi, List.

I'm working with a registration form template, which has a lot of fields. Each field has same layout, but contents may be different: textfield, set of checkboxes, dropdown with static_info_tables info, etc.

The layout of each field is such:

<div class="form__field-container">
	<label class="form__field-label" for="field-{fieldname}">
		<f:translate key="{fieldname}" />
		<f:render partial="Required" section="Main" arguments="{field: '{fieldname}'}" />

	<div class="form__field-data">
		<f:render partial="FieldError" section="Main" arguments="{for: 'user.{fieldname}'}" />

		---A part, that is unique---


My goal is to avoid copy-paste of a structure above, but I can't find a clean solution for this.

The most obvious idea is to move this code to a partial, but then I need somehow deal with unique contents of each field, which will result either in invention of too much variables and lot of if-else in Fluid template, or in creating a partial for each field, that has some differences, or even in combination of these both. This seems kinda dirty way for me.

It would be nice to have a possibility to define a layout for a section or make it possible to render a template section from a partial. Something, like this:
<div class="container">
  <div class="field">
    <f:render section="field-data" />

And then in template call it like this:
<f:render partial="Field">
  <f:section name="field-data">
    ---all the fancy and unique stuff here---
    <f:form.textfield ... />

So, the question, how do you code your forms without field's layout copy-paste?

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