[TYPO3-english] Tx_News Templates

Marvin Anselm marvin-anselm at web.de
Tue Feb 18 19:24:43 CET 2014

Hey Guys,

on my Typo3-Installation I installed the extension "news" (tx_news)  and now I want to load for top-news a special Template (Top) and for the normal news a special Partial (BDKJ-Chor) . My list.html looks like this:

********************CODE BEGINS***************

{namespace n=Tx_News_ViewHelpers}

<f:layout name="General" />


<f:section name="content">
<f:if condition="{news}">
<f:if condition="{newsItem.istopnews}">
<f:render partial="List/Top" arguments="{newsItem: newsItem.istopnews, settings:settings}" />
<f:for each="{news}" as="newsItem">
<f:render partial="List/BDKJ-Chor" arguments="{newsItem: newsItem, settings:settings}" />
<div class="no-news-found">
f:translate key="list_nonewsfound" />

********************CODE ENDS****************

My Problem is, that BDKJ-Chor is loaded, but for EVERY top news and news. 
Maybe you can tell me, where I failed and why he don't understand the if-condition for topnews?

On more little Problem:
In the Code on the generated Page with the news it says in html-comments "Partials/Item.html" for each news. But this file doesn't exist anymore (because of the special Partials). Is this normal or do I have there one more problem?

Thanks for your help,


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