[TYPO3-english] Multi-language workflow

amadeo Marketing & Design - Paul Garais garais at amadeo-marketing.de
Mon Sep 23 12:28:15 CEST 2013

Hi list!

for a existing website, which is made with TYPO3 4.7 using templavoila I have two questions which 
are new to me since we never had this requirements:

1) The site uses one pagetree for three languages (German as standard, English and Spanish). All 
pages are created with the standard-language and some of the pages and contents are translated. The 
configuration only shows translated items in the frontend. The customer wants to create some pages 
for the english version only (without standard-language). The problem is that you cant delete the 
standard-language of a site because all translations will be deleted too. Is there an option to make 
this possible or an extension that helps with this requirement?

It works for content elements if you create an content element in standard-language and hide it in 
the options and unhide the translated elements. But the page is still there in standard-language and 
so it is just shown empty in the frontend. It shouldn't be visible at all. If I set the page in 
standard-language to deactivated (through page-options) but dont set that option for the further 
language-versions, all languages are deactivated.

2) I think this question is regarding real_url which is also in use for this site: Since only 
translated pages and content-elements are shown for the choosen language, a page would not be 
visible in the navigation of the english version if it is only there in standard language. But if 
you move to the page in standard language and use the language-switch navigation to call the english 
version, TYPO3 shows a error message because the translation is missing. I would like to change this 
behaviour so TYPO3 shows automatically the next parent-page from the tree which has the desired 
translation instead of the error-message. Is it possible with some real-url-configuration or maybe 
directly through TYPO3?

Thanks for your support!


*Paul Garais*

Tel. (02 51) 620 651-73
Fax (02 51) 620 651-69

garais at agentur-eulenblick.de

Albersloher Weg 662 • 48167 Münster

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