[TYPO3-english] Captcha, how to display the error message?

Salander luc.berro at epitech.eu
Fri Nov 8 12:27:15 CET 2013

Hello everyone,

I put captcha on my sr_feuser_register form, it works fine. 

But I would like to display an error message when the user write it wrong.

Here is my HTML template sr_feuser_register :

<tr class="captcha">
	<td class="captcha_intro"><p>Blabhalbha here is the notice: *</p></td>
	<td class="tx_input"> <p>###GW2B### ###EVAL_ERROR_FIELD_captcha_response### ###GW2E###</p> <input type="text" size="20" id="tx-srfeuserregister-pi1-captcha-response" name="###NAME_CAPTCHA_RESPONSE###" title="###SR_FREECAP_NOTICE###" value="" required> </td>
	<td class="captcha_img">###SR_FREECAP_IMAGE######CAPTCHA_IMAGE### </td>	

As you can see I only put "###EVAL_ERROR_FIELD_captcha_response###", maybe I miss something in the locallang.xml ? 
I put nothing in the TS constant/setup that is related to my issue.

Could you help me find out what's the problem?



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