[TYPO3-english] felogin can't login

Alessandro Tuveri at at uniud.it
Wed Jun 19 13:11:36 CEST 2013

common errors/problem/solution for the FE or BE login


session files not saved, wrong directive in apache
* check if your apache settings are correct, and if your directives  
points to the right location/foldere where session should be saved. If  
your directive are wrong, could be that the session files are not  
stored then you cannot login

salted password enabled or not?
Check if your method for authentication require the use of  
saltedpassword extension and if you run correctly, using the  
SCHEDULER, the procedure to convert the password from the old format  
to the new.

Finally, if you cannot access BE, put INSTALL_TOOL_ENABLE within the folder
typo3conf and run the INSTALLER, then generate a new user to access  
... and retry the login procedure.


salted password enabled or not?
Check if your method for authentication require the use of  
saltedpassword extension and if you run correctly, using the  
SCHEDULER, the procedure to convert the password from the old format  
to the new.

check if the folder containing the FE USERS is linked to the plugin  
that print out the LOGIN form.

Here if you are in difficult for the FE LOGIN and it seems there is no  
solution I can answer you posting my settings.

SEMEL (SErvizio di Messaging ELettronico) - AINF, Universita' di Udine

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