[TYPO3-english] formhandler and multiple ajax forms

Alexander Dorn debao84 at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 12 15:18:57 CEST 2012


I got a page with four different forms that are submitted via ajax.

I use following versions.
formhandler 	v1.4
typo3		v4.6

Three of them work fine, doing what they are supposed to do.

When I try to submit the last form (contact form based on http://examples.typo3-formhandler.com/basic-forms/contact-form/) I get a  "template not found" error

although the form is rendered correctly when loading the page.

The template definitely exists since the form works without ajax submission.

Any ideas?

Thank you

Form Typoscript
plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.predef.kontaktformular {
#  debug = 1
  # This is the title of the predefined form shown in the dropdown box in the plugin options.
  name = Kontakt
  # All form fields are prefixed with this values (e.g. contact[name])
  formValuesPrefix = contact
  langFile.1 = TEXT
  langFile.1.value = {$formhandlerExamples.basic.kontaktformular.rootPath}/lang/lang.xml
#  templateFile = TEXT
  templateFile = {$formhandlerExamples.basic.kontaktformular.rootPath}/html/step-1.html
  # The master template is a file containing the markup for specific field types or other sub templates (e.g. for emails). You can use these predefined markups in your HTML template for a specific form.
  masterTemplateFile = TEXT
  masterTemplateFile.value = fileadmin/templates/ext/formhandler/mastertemplate.html
  # These wraps define how an error messages looks like. The message itself is set in the lang file.
  singleErrorTemplate {
    totalWrap = <div class="error">|</div>
    singleWrap = <span class="message">|</span>
  # This block defines the error checks performed when the user hits submit.
  validators {
    1.class = Validator_Default
    1.config.fieldConf {
      name.errorCheck.1 = required
      email.errorCheck.1 = required
      email.errorCheck.2 = email
      message.errorCheck.1 = required
  ajax {
    class = AjaxHandler_JQuery
    config {
      ajaxSubmit = 1
      submitButtonSelector = .Tx-Formhandler #contact INPUT[type=\'submit\']

      loading = <span class="ajaxLoader"><img src="fileadmin/templates/img/ajax-loader.gif" /></span>
      ajaxSubmitLoader = <span class="ajaxLoader"><img src="fileadmin/templates/img/ajax-loader.gif" /></span>

  # Finishers are called after the form was submitted successfully (without errors).
  finishers {
    # Finisher_Mail sends emails to an admin and/or the user.
    1.class = Finisher_Mail
    1.config {
      checkBinaryCrLf = message
      admin {
        templateFile = TEXT
        templateFile.value = {$formhandlerExamples.basic.kontaktformular.rootPath}/html/email-admin.html
        sender_email = info at example.com
        to_email = info at example.com
        subject = TEXT
        subject.data = LLL:{$formhandlerExamples.basic.kontaktformular.rootPath}/lang/lang.xml:email_admin_subject
    # Finisher_Redirect will redirect the user to another page after the form was submitted successfully.
    5.class = Finisher_SubmittedOK
    5.config {
      returns = 1

Typoscript where the form is inserted
temp.footerContact = COA
temp.footerContact {
  20 < plugin.tx_formhandler_pi1
  20.settings < plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.predef.kontaktformular

lib.footer = COA
lib.footer {
  10 < temp.rightFooterCol
  20 < temp.footerContact
  30 < temp.footerRight

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