[TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

Katja Lampela katja.lampela at lieska.net
Wed Oct 10 21:41:22 CEST 2012


Rasmus thank you for the explanation and you and your team's work.

I think this discussion is a bit hmm.. oh well..  First of all the 
change - even though it's not for everybody to love - is not that big, 
drastic or dramatic as some of us are saying. Considering it gets pluses 
from brand and visual experts too, so it is mostly matter of opinion.

It is pretty obvious the main thing today for any product is usability, 
the product lives or dies depending on it. It makes the difference, not 
the green hat on top of the logo. If the product has bad name/brand, it 
comes from the product itself or the company who made it (in this case 
this community).

I have HUGE respect for all who have made this great product and even 
though I'm confused sometimes, most of times I enjoy my work with it 
full heartedly for the freedom and independence it gives me and my clients.

But this experience surely has taught something for future. Make a poll 
before such a big decision ;) so we can avoid this kind of fuss.

With kind regards

Katja Lampela

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