[TYPO3-english] BE User Permission modification -- cannot see pages

Tony Lush tlush at advancewm.com
Mon Oct 1 09:12:33 CEST 2012

I have a site which already had a Basic Editor BE group, and wanted to 
create another BE User group to handle a limited set of tasks.

I thought that I could create a simple group to be included as a 
subgroup in all the BE User Groups -- All BE Users -- as is done in the 
Introduction Package. I could then use the Access module to set group 
permissions pointing to the new group.

I created the "All BE Users" group and made it a sub group of the 
existing "Basic Editor" group. I then adjusted page permissions for all 
pages to make the All Users group the group.  I also set TCEMAIN in the 
TSconfig with:

	  // group "all users"
	permissions.groupid = 4
	user = show,edit,delete,new,editcontent
	group = show,edit,delete,new,editcontent
	everybody =

However, when I switched over to a Basic Editor role, I could no longer 
see the page tree.

How can I resolve this?

Best regards -- Tony

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