[TYPO3-english] nested fe_groups in a tree view

Ralf-Rene Schröder ralf.rene at online.de
Sat May 5 11:03:03 CEST 2012

>> if i modify the tca for the news itself (i know this is the wrong way),
>> then the tree is rendered as expected...
> are you sure your previous changes are done *after* news is loaded?

at first i tried in the typo3conf/extTables.php (for me the normal place
- all other tables worked there):

= 'tree';
= array(
  'parentField' => 'subgroup',
  'appearance' => array(
    'expandAll' => TRUE,
    'showHeader' => TRUE,
    'levelMaximum' => '10'
  'levelMaximum' => '10'

this crashes ext:news
(all news records have no title an couldn't be edited or created)

then i tried it at the end of localconf.php without any reaction
then i directly modified the TCA file for news in the extension and this
worked (but with my next problems when updating)

>> the tcaTree only shows 4 levels of fe_groups (in Database there are more
>> levels)
>> is this a restriction in the tree
>> (i tried to use 'levelMaximum' => 10, without success)
> this is for sure a configuration
any hint where to find all configurations for treeConfig, i only find:
and so i tried "levelMaximum" but with no success...

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