[TYPO3-english] nested fe_groups in a tree view

Ralf-Rene Schröder ralf.rene at online.de
Sat May 5 01:18:21 CEST 2012

if i modify the tca for the news itself (i know this is the wrong way),
then the tree is rendered as expected...
how is it possible to modify the TCA for an extbase extension from
outside (ext_tables.php) ?

and an additional question
the tcaTree only shows 4 levels of fe_groups (in Database there are more
is this a restriction in the tree
(i tried to use 'levelMaximum' => 10, without success)
or is it a restriction of fe_groups itself ?
...and how to change ?

Am 04.05.2012 19:18, schrieb Ralf-Rene Schröder:
> Am 04.05.2012 18:47, schrieb Georg Ringer:
>> http://www.typovision.de/fileadmin/slides/TYPO3-4.5-Die-Neuerungen-typovision.pdf
>> page 68?
> you are my hreo !!! it's page 69 !!!
> it works for pages and for tt_content like a charme.
> but i tried to use it with ext:news with no succsess :(
> $GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_news_domain_model_news']['columns']['fe_group']['config']['renderMode']
> = 'tree';
> $GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_news_domain_model_news']['columns']['fe_group']['config']['treeConfig']
> = array(
>   'parentField' => 'subgroup',
>   'appearance' => array(
>     'expandAll' => TRUE,
>     'showHeader' => TRUE,
>   )
> );

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