[TYPO3-english] kickstarter db relation selectorbox, order of records

Katja Lampela katja.lampela at lieska.net
Thu Jun 28 12:38:46 CEST 2012

Hi more info related to this matter.

I would prefer the relation field type "Field with Element Browser". 
Then selecting a record would be very easy (even searching is possible). 
But then in the backend record listing the referral to the relation is 
by uid number. If the relation type is "Selectorbox...", the listing 
shows nicely the title field of the related table instead of uid but 
then again choosing/finding the record is very hard.

Any idea how to solve either of these inconveniences?

Thank you for any input!
- Katja

28.6.2012 13:27, Katja Lampela kirjoitti:
> Hi,
> In a kickstarted database a relation to another table "table2" is type
> "Selectorbox, select global".
> Now there are hundreds of table2 records and the easiest way to select a
> record would be alphabetical, but the records are ordered in selectorbox
> by their uid.
> I suppose this can be changed manually in tca maybe, but this ext/table
> will be changed with kickstarter if the future so I'm searching a
> solution where no manual editing necessary after kickstarter.
> So the order of the records in the database relation selectorbox - can
> it be defined in the kickstarter?

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