[TYPO3-english] EXT:form redirect

Christian Tauscher christian.tauscher at media-distillery.de
Fri Jul 20 22:52:29 CEST 2012

Good evening.

I try using the new form Extention from TYPO3.

Wat I am missing: How can I redirect to some page after sucessfully
sending the form?

At least it would be necessary to change the default message.

I found in Ressources/Private/Language/locallang_controller.xlf this part:

<trans-unit id="tx_form_view_mail.success" xml:space="preserve">
<source>The form has been sent successfully by mail</source>

But how to verwrite this label: "tx_form_view_mail.success"

I've tryed

plugin.tx_form_pi1._LOCAL_LANG.default.tx_form_view_mail.success = text
plugin.tx_form._LOCAL_LANG.default.tx_form_view_mail.success = text
plugin.tx_form._LOCAL_LANG.default.success = text

but this all failed.

Can you please help me?



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