[TYPO3-english] MAMP, IM and TYPO3 not playing well together at all

Michael Cannon michael at typo3vagabond.com
Thu Jan 5 12:30:31 CET 2012

I'm using the latest MAMP Pro and in turn ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick
via MacPorts successfully on two other OS X 10.6 systems.

On the third system, MAMP and TYPO3 play well fine, but for whatever
reason, none of the IM/GM binaries are being reachable via TYPO3.

I've created a test file with the following code to see if identify is
reachable and outputs anythings.

error_reporting( E_ALL );
$identify                       = '/opt/local/bin/identify';
var_dump( file_exists( $identify ) ); echo '<br />'; echo '' . __LINE__ .
':' . basename( __FILE__ )  . '<br />';
var_dump( is_readable( $identify ) ); echo '<br />'; echo '' . __LINE__ .
':' . basename( __FILE__ )  . '<br />';
var_dump( is_executable( $identify ) ); echo '<br />'; echo '' . __LINE__ .
':' . basename( __FILE__ )  . '<br />';
print_r( stat( $identify ) ); echo '<br />'; echo '' . __LINE__ . ':' .
basename( __FILE__ )  . '<br />';
var_dump( exec( $identify ) ); echo '<br />'; echo '' . __LINE__ . ':' .
basename( __FILE__ )  . '<br />';
var_dump( system( $identify ) ); echo '<br />'; echo '' . __LINE__ . ':' .
ame( __FILE__ )  . '<br />';

The result of calling the script is.
bool(true)<br />4:pi.php<br />bool(true) <br />5:pi.php<br />bool(true) <br
/>6:pi.php<br />Array ( [0] => 234881026 [1] => 1204258 [2] => 33261 [3] =>
1 [4] => 0 [5] => 80 [6] => 0 [7] => 9196 [8] => 1325762848 [9] =>
1324376166 [10] => 1325754258 [11] => 4096 [12] => 24 [dev] =>
234881026[ino] => 1204258[mode] => 33261[nlink] => 1[uid] => 0 [gid]
=> 80 [rdev] => 0 [size] => 9196 [atime] => 1325762848 [mtime] =>
1324376166[ctime] => 1325754258[blksize] => 4096 [blocks]
=> 24) <br />7:pi.php<br />string(0) "" <br />8:pi.php<br />string(0) ""<br
/>9:pi.php<br /><
... on to phpinfo() dump. Viewable at

As you can see, the web server can supposedly read and execute the identify
file, but there's no output for any of the system or exec like commands.

I've checked that php.ini allows for the exec functions to work, but to no

I really hope someone might have an idea here to help me.

Michael Cannon
The TYPO3 Vagabond <http://typo3vagabond.com> @ in2code.de
Been there, done that, 25 years of coding
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