[TYPO3-english] redirect mobile user

Katja Lampela katja.lampela at lieska.net
Tue Feb 14 13:35:53 CET 2012

Hi Ton,
You might want to check this extension: cwmobileredirect

I use it just for recognizing the mobile device - so that I don't 
necessarily redirect but with this I can give conditions if the visitor 
is browsing with mobile device. (There is a core condition for this too, 
but I'm not sure how updated that data is. This ext is updated regurlarly).

I thought also to check if I could use the layout property of content 
elements and have that in my conditions, so that every time I choose for 
a content element layout3 (for example) it will not be rendered for the 
mobile device. This combined with media querys would be ideal, you 
wouldn't need to have a separate site for mobile devices.

Good mobiling :) Katja

8.2.2012 22:47, T o n kirjoitti:
> Hello,
> Besides my standard website, I want to create a mobile website in TYPO3.
> For that purpose I made a separate tree in in TYPO3 and installed extension cwmobileredirect to detect any mobile device which moves the visitor to the other tree.
> This works perfectly with my first provider. There I can make a subdomain m.mydomainname.com through a cpanel and redirect the visitors to the correct http://m.mydomainname.com/index.php?id=74 page.
> My other provider allows unlimited subdomains, by simply creating a new folder in the root of my page, using ftp. That provider does not have a cpanel so I cannot add a redirect url. Therefore I tried an html page with (<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=http://www.mydomainname.com/index.php?id=74/"></HEAD>). But what happens is, that when a mobile device is detected, it is sent to this index page and this index page sends him back to TYPO3. So I end up in an endless loop.
> The same happens when I place a .htaccess file in the subdomain folder.
> What do I have to do to get this working with this provider?
> I do have access to some DNS settings where I can change the A, AAAA, CNAME, MX TXT and SRV.
> Adding the 'm' subdomain as an A record to my website's IP-address does not help either.
> Thnx,
> Ton

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