[TYPO3-english] Detect "not in menu"

Urs Bräm info at ursbraem.ch
Thu Feb 9 14:06:23 CET 2012

 > and so will the datail-view of any news on this page

Yeah, you are right, that's a flaw.
Should only forbid indexing when there are no parameters passed... hm....

 > Why does SE see your pages?

not sure, and it doesn't happen all the time. It's probably not the XML 
sitemap, as it should regard nav_hide.

Theoretically, anyone could post that address anywhere, if it's publicly 
accessible. Say someone posts a link to a form confirmation page (out of 
any reason, maybe he wants to show that he's registered) in his blog and 
whoops there it is, crawlable.


Am 09.02.12 11:39, schrieb Bernd Wilke:
> On 02/09/2012 11:13 AM, Urs Bräm wrote:
>> ... and also the feared tt_news "Detail page" with the message "no news
>> in this list" will get it's robots metatag :-)
> and so will the datail-view of any news on this page????
> normaly 'not in menu'-pages should not be linked and so serachengines
> does not get their URL and will not index them.
> Why does SE see your pages?
> bernd

Urs Bräm
macht Websites
Certified Typo3 Integrator
CH-3011 Bern

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