[TYPO3-english] marker to fill with content or imagecycle?

Victor Livakovsky v-tyok at mail.ru
Thu Feb 9 09:23:55 CET 2012

Hi, Axel.

> to fetch this as a content element from an
> other page (this page contains a content element with this extension in
> an configured form)like this:
> 20 = CONTENT
> 20 {
>     table = tt_content
>     select {
>     #   where = pid=288 AND uid=603
>     }
> }

Default value of 'pidInList' property of 'select' is set to 'this', so it 
tries to take records from current page.
You need to configure this in a such way:
20 {
    table = tt_content
    select {
      pidInList = 288
      uidInList = 603

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