[TYPO3-english] pagtree context menu disappeared after upgrading

Gábor Horn gabor at h3online.hu
Wed Feb 1 16:45:57 CET 2012


i found the solution, to save some headache for others the problem and 
the solution is described in the Typo3 bug tracker:


regards, Gabor Horn

2012.01.31. 10:30 keltezéssel, Gábor Horn írta:
> Hello,
> i have upgraded my Typo3 installation from 4.4.7 to 4.5.11 LTS version.
> Since then i have no context menu in the page tree, nothing happens if i
> left click on the items in the pagetree, althought drag & drop works in
> it. I deleted my browser cache, and it doesn't work with Firefox nor IE9
> private mode, so i don't think it's a javascript cache issue on my side.
> As i know the pagtree went through a massive refactoring between these
> two releases - and this typo3 installation is quite complex (inherited
> it from other developers) so there might be local settings here which
> affects the context menu, althought it does work with the 4.4.7 version.
> Any hint please where i should check?
> thanks, Gabor Horn
> ps.: clicking on an iocn in the pagetree doesn't raise any javascript
> error according to my browser js debug window.

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