[TYPO3-english] TYPO3 Customer Feedback Initiative

Patrick Lobacher plobacher at n-o-g.de
Sat Dec 22 08:49:10 CET 2012

Tonix (Antonio Nati) schrieb:
> Honestly I have problems understanding the goal of this page, and why a 
> development frameworks should speak to end users, which will never use 
> directly the framework.

The developer on the one side and the customer on the other side are 
tied to each other in a way which is sometimes difficult to discover.

The developer can develop software not one customer will ever use it, 
because he do not need it.
And the customer can choose every other software for reasons so the 
developer has nothing to give to him.
So there should be a balanced communication between them to find out if 
the "product" the developer has created fits the needs the customer have.

I believe that most software development has one big reason at the end 
(besides of many others of course) - the developer wants someone (even 
himself) to use it. And if I want someone to do anything I have to 
communicate to this person - because this person is the customer.
As a developer you want to create a solution or solve a problem - for 
someone who has this problem and this is again the customer.

Have you ever worked in a company where the developer decide what the 
customer wants to have? What is the result? You draw a picture of the 
needs of somebody you do not even know. Normally this is done by project 
managers or key accountants or somebody who talks a lot with the 
customer to get famliar with his world. And this process has nothing to 
do with a concrete CMS or software at all. BUT - at the end, a solution 
must be found and we - the TYPO3 community - want, that our great ECMS 
TYPO3 is the answer for most of the customers enterprise wishes in terms 
of CMS.

So I don't say that TYPO3 doesn't listen to their customers (because it 
  already fits to many usecases a customer might have) but I say we have 
to increase the amount of listing because this is crucial - if more and 
more customer will leave TYPO3 for other products we will lose in many 
ways too at the end.

And we shouldn't be that arrogant at the end that we do not realize that 
there is a huge amount of really great solutions right and left of TYPO3 
coming up and it is a question of time that 
customer/agencies/freelancers discover them and - compare them to the 
system they use/love/pay for/develop for/...

So there is nothing wrong to talk to you target group :-)
Not more and not less is the intention of the wiki page. It should be a 
starting point to get in touch with the customers of TYPO3 to help to 
long-term improve the system.


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