[TYPO3-english] TYPO3 Customer Feedback Initiative

Tonix (Antonio Nati) tonix at interazioni.it
Fri Dec 21 15:59:08 CET 2012

Il 21/12/2012 13:20, JoH asenau ha scritto:
>> Honestly, I see a lot of confusion in what you say.
> Exactly this is the reason for Patrick's approach, since actually 
> there should be no confusion in what I described, but it seems some 
> developers are confused by this way of thinking. No offense meant, I 
> just would like to see people start looking beyond the rim of their 
> teacup.
>> These customers should be business/application oriented people. If they
>> are able to discriminate between different CMS is because some CMS are
>> more oriented to their business needs, while other are not.
> One of these business needs is - and in this case it's a very 
> important one - that editors working on the same project will be able 
> to provide content for the intranet solution based on TYPO3 as fast as 
> possible without any performance impact on the frontend users. So one 
> of the major demands is a focus on performance and usability, while 
> for example maintainability and clean code are not as important. - Do 
> you see the difference to the current scope of TYPO3 development?

It is correct, it may be one of the goals. But anyone can be able to say 
'I want it faster'. Who builds the system (developer or integrator) can 
help better finding the best way (what can be faster and why).

Probably one big difference between our visions is I don't see TYPO3 as 
a product, but as a framework, and for such a big document/knowledge 
architecture I would have used a product focused on the specific logic, 
also because I feel TYPO3 BE unusable for end users.

>> And I don't see how a core developer could write a business oriented
>> function, without beeing extremely expert on the business logic.
> The "business oriented function" in this case would be a really fast 
> backend with lots of helpers for the daily work of a power user. There 
> are of course lots of other scenarios that would enable any core 
> developer to provide a solution without being an expert on the 
> particular business of that client.

A really fast backend is the actual not usable BE made more fast, but 
always unusable.

>> At the contrary, if they are evaluating a CMS for internal development
>> (as it looks because you say they work in IT departments), they are
>> developer and not end customers. Real end customers are the non IT
>> departments which will use the final product.
> They are evaluating a CMS that prvoides most of the functionality they 
> need for the management of the content of their intranet out of the 
> box, so they don't have to develop too many functions on their own. Of 
> course there are custom extensions as well, but they have been 
> developed mainly due to the fact that things like Extbase or 
> TemplaVoila are not focused on performance and/or usability and were 
> simply unusable with 12.000 pages containing 200.000 content elements 
> provided for 8 different clients having 100.000 frontend users.

They should not evaluate a CMS, but a document/knowledge management system.



         Inter at zioni            Interazioni di Antonio Nati
    http://www.interazioni.it      tonix at interazioni.it

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