[TYPO3-english] FED/Flux page template problems

Thomas Skierlo pubtsk1 at pix-pro.eu
Thu Aug 23 14:27:48 CEST 2012

Hi Dominic,

thank's for your help. My current problem is not an FCE, but a very 
basic page template. Since I'm going to use Twitter/bootstrap I started 
off with the "fedexample" extension, which looked like a perfect base 
for my own layout. This morning I started a fresh installation on TYPO3 
4.7.4, so no unwanted leftovers from my former FLUIDTEMPLATE or 
gridelements tests are present.

I included only css_styled_content, fed and fedaxample, changed one 
constant of fedaxample (Pages instead of Templates), since it didn't 
match the folder structure. After this change I could select the 
"Default Layout", and I did so on the root page.

Then I added one page under root (Home) and did not change any of it's 
layout settings (empty), so the template should be inherrited from the 
root page. Then I fired preview and noticed the fallback template of 
FED, mixed up with 3 lines of TS from the fedexample extension setup 
(Header inclusion of bootsrap css and js). Double checked all pathes.

Since I did not select the default template for subpages on the root 
page on first try, I added this setting also. This leads to a fatal:

*Fatal error*: Cannot use
string offset as an array in
on line*574*

The same error occurs when I select the Default page layout on the Home 
page as well as the root page.

The documentation is pretty much clear about the way to do things, and I 
tried it with an own extension yesterday. With the very same result as 
with the fedexample now. I could not find any problems in the fedexample 
files - but all I'm getting is the fallback layout of FED.

Am 23.08.2012 04:50, schrieb Domi:
> Hi Thomas,
> simply follow this steps:
> 1. install gridelements
> 2. install flux
> 3. install fed and check the checkbox inside of the extension manager 
> configuration options: "Fluid Content Elements"
> 4. create a empty extension and adjust the setup.txt template as 
> following:
> plugin.tx_fed.fce.your_extensionname {
>     templateRootPath = EXT:your_extensionname/Resources/Private/Elements/
>     layoutRootPath = EXT:your_extensionname/Resources/Private/Layouts/
>     partialRootPath = EXT:your_extensionname/Resources/Private/Partials/
> }
> 5. Include the setup.txt of your extension
> 6. Create a basic Test.html file inside of your extensionfolder 
> related to "templateRootPath = 
> EXT:your_extensionname/Resources/Private/Elements/"
> 7. inside of EXT:your_extensionname/Resources/Private/Elements/Test.html:
> {namespace flux=Tx_Flux_ViewHelpers}
> <f:section name="Configuration">
>     <flux:flexform id="test" label="Test Element" description="More 
> details in here">
>             <flux:flexform.field.checkbox name="settings.test" 
> label="Some Test Checkbox"/>
>     </flux:flexform>
> </f:section>
> <f:layout name="FCE"/>
> <f:section name="Preview">
>     <strong>HELLO {settings.test}<br />
> </f:section>
> <f:section name="main">
>     Hello World, here the checkbox value: {settings.test}
> </f:section>
> 8. inside of EXT:your_extensionname/Resources/Private/Layouts/FCE.html
> <f:render section="main" />
> 9. Check your typo3 backend if you can create a element of "Test Element"
> Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> Dominic
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