[TYPO3-english] ttnews or T3BLOG

jaco graaff jaco at spacexplorer.co.za
Thu Sep 29 04:59:26 CEST 2011

Hi Georg thanks for the passionate response on the new news extension - I am
now trying each option out (ttnews, t3blog and news)

I have some questions - I will understand if you have no time to answer - a
yes or no would suffice in most cases - it will help me to know if I should
spend more time on that feature and try and sort it out or just leave it...

1. can it integrate with mm_forum??
I think the answer is yes - I am about halfway through the process and got
stuck in the mm_forum module wizard... arrrgh - have to spend a couple of
hours to solve that

2. Is there a calendar type control that can plug into
Do I have to build one myself in some way or is there one existing like with
tt_news - basically a calendar with highlights on the days posts were made

3. can I restrict editing backend users by category
I guess I can - just need to find out how - for instance Mr. Doe should only
be allowed to add articles/news for the Retailers News-Category

4. Can I browser news articles by categories in backend
At the moment I see a flat view of the news items - (same for tt_news) In
the long run this could be difficult for managing news - It would be great
if there was a Module like with mm-forum - or Newsletters - where you can
browse by pagetree - I guess I could arrange the articles in
SUB-system-folders myself

5. can I edit a news item like a regular content element - add images in
text etc.... how do i enable images???
Currently I only see a basic Rich-Text-Editor without the link, image, table
features - has this been disabled??? - I have enabled using regular content
elements and can add them under the news -item -
but it is not a very nice UI for end-users because:
a. every save closes the dialogue,
b. The "linked" content-elements get saved seperately in the same level as
the news articles causing more noise (I guess I can again move it manually -
but that is workflow overhead for simple users

6. is there a way to display the first image on a news post with the teaser
on the front end - I see there is a default image in the deafult template
being displayd - I am searching through the documentation to change this but
have not found anything - What if the image is in one of the Attached
Content Elements because the default news interface cannot have an image in
the body text...

7. I am struggling with my Templavoila-RealURL to work with News, paths are
is there any way to get user friendly urls??? for seo

Thanks again for an interesting extension


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