[TYPO3-english] Adding additional Values to an already existing and necessary bodytag

Andreas Becker ab.becker at web.de
Fri Sep 2 07:16:08 CEST 2011


Is it possible to add additional Values to an already existing bodytag
without losing the original values of the bodytag?
If yes how?


<body id="f1d">
> or
> <body id="f1a">
> etc

gets set depending on the used Column Settings. Those are predefined by the
framework for templavoila

To get now the thing running in mobiles we would need to add an additional

<body id="f1d onorientationchange="updateOrientation();">
> or
> <body id="f1a onorientationchange="updateOrientation();">
> etc

Now one possibility would be to enter this value fixed into the already
existing framework for templavoila extension but we would loose the
possibility of updating.

Also possible would be to enter always over and over again the value f1a and
f1d etc to the bodytag via TS and rewrite the whole bodytag.

But actually we are looking for a more comfortable way which would be to
keep the already existing values inside a body tag "f1d" etc and only adding
a new value to the bodytag "onorientationchange="updateOrientation();"

How to do?

Thanks for ideas


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