[TYPO3-english] TCA label and l10n_mode

Kai kai.tallafus at gmx.at
Mon Mar 28 14:20:18 CEST 2011

Hi everyone,

in an extension I´m currently working on I have a table for downloads which contains title field defined in TCA (there are more fields but they are not relevant for my question):

'title' => array(
  'exclude'	=> 0,
  'l10n_mode'  => 'mergeIfNotBlank',
  'label'		=> 'LLL:EXT:my_ext/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xml:tx_myext_domain_model_download.title',
  'config'	=> array(
    'type' => 'input',
    'size' => 30,
    'eval' => 'trim'

Please note that this field has l10n_mode set to mergeIfNotBlank so the editor may choose to override it in translation or not.
In the ctrl section of TCA I defined this field as label field for the backend listing.

If a record is translated and this field is left blank, the label in backend list is also blank for the translated record.

Is this behaviour intended or is this a bug? In my opinion the label should fallback to the default language if the field is blank.

This is only a minor problem for normal backend lists, but for IRRE editing the behaviour is the same, which is a bit annoying when displaying all IRRE relations collapsed and no label is displayed.

Some ideas/feedback on this?

Best regards,

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