[TYPO3-english] USER/USER_INT switch

Victor Livakovsky v-tyok at mail.ru
Sun Jun 5 09:24:44 CEST 2011

Hi, Dmitry.

> I suggest doing the opposite:
> plugin.tx_myext_pi1 = USER
> [globalVar = GP:tx_myext_pi1|uid = /\d+/ ]
> plugin.tx_myext_pi1 = USER_INT
> [global]

Wow! Didn't know, that I can use regexp in globalVar conditions! Thank you 
But why then you think it is best to make non-cached ext for single view and 
cached for a list view? Single article will rarely change and it is good 
idea to store it in cache table. And list view heavily depends on big amount 
of search params, so I afraid of spaming cache table with tons of search 
results pages - that's why I think, that non-cahed plugin is better in this 

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