[TYPO3-english] CMS voting

Jan-Hendrik Heuing jh2010 at ivi-solutions.com
Tue Jul 12 17:01:30 CEST 2011

No problem. The thing is, that everyone joing that vote knows anyway, 
that it is not a representative statistic. It's just that within 3 month 
Joomla, Wordpress etc. collected their votes, which TYPO3 can do in a 
few days because of it's great community. So I think it's two things: 
Showing the others that we're the better community, and also having a 
bit of fun. You see, half of the guys voted I know personally, and I was 
pretty sure it worked out. Finally within a few hours, we got half the 
volume of the others done already.

But hey: You're free to motivate others to do any futher voting on 
cmsmatrix.org, they most likely will be happy to join another not so 
representative voting :-) Not sure though, what the benefit is. Either I 
don't see this platform as being one potential clients would choose 
their CMS from. But maybe I am just too oldschool. So I'd join in if you 
go for it.


Am 12.07.11 14:58, schrieb Alessandro Tuveri:
> Forgive me
> but I suppose the best way to help CMS community and vote for it is to
> connect to:
> cmxmatrix.org
> Quoting Jan-Hendrik Heuing <jh2010 at ivi-solutions.com>:
>> Am 12.07.11 12:13, schrieb Alessandro Tuveri:
>>> HI, regard this:
>>> Quoting Jan-Hendrik Heuing <jh2010 at ivi-solutions.com>:
>>>> Guys, we should manage to be on the first place, so please vote :-)
>>>> http://de-de.facebook.com/home.php?sk=question&id=10150104387392168&qa_ref=qd
>>>> JH
>>> I * hate * facebook for privacy reason.
>>> Please unlock the vote or change the poll program.
>>> thank you
>> I don't care much. It's not my vote at all, it's even older. Currently
>> Drupal and Wordpress are far ahead. And as I know the TYPO3 for long,
>> I know that we'll be passing along them easily.
>> It's not as statistically correct as a scientific research, so we can
>> probably work it out without your vote.
>> Jan-Hendrik
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