[TYPO3-english] Bug in locallangXMLOverride mechanism since TYPO3 4.6?

Lars Patrick Heß larshess at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 20:10:56 CET 2011

After some debugging the question came to my mind, why the parser for XML files always returned all available translation for the "default" language when it is not available inside the default-node?

So i change code inside the method "t3lib_l10n_parser_Llxml::doParsingFromRootForElement":

	protected function doParsingFromRootForElement(SimpleXMLElement $root, $element) {
		$bodyOfFileTag = $root->data->languageKey;
		$parsedData = $this->getParsedDataForElement($bodyOfFileTag, $element);
		if ($element === 'source')
			return $parsedData;
			// Check if the source llxml file contains localized records
		$localizedBodyOfFileTag = $root->data->xpath("languageKey[@index='" . $this->languageKey . "']");
		if ($element === 'target' && isset($localizedBodyOfFileTag[0]) && $localizedBodyOfFileTag[0] instanceof SimpleXMLElement) {
			$parsedTargetData = $this->getParsedDataForElement($localizedBodyOfFileTag[0], $element);
			$mergedData = array_merge($parsedData, $parsedTargetData);
			if ($this->languageKey === 'default') {
				foreach (array_keys($mergedData) as $key) {
					if (!isset($parsedData[$key]))
				foreach (array_keys($mergedData) as $key) {
					if (!isset($parsedTargetData[$key]))
			return $mergedData;
		return $parsedData;

No my testcase runs very well!
This code will never return default-language translations if they are not available!

Also this cases do pass (originalTranslationFile.xml is always the same):

otherTranslationFile V2:
	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
		<data type="array">
			<languageKey index="default" type="array">
				<label index="test_label_one">one (default NEW)</label>
				<label index="test_label_two">two (default NEW)</label>
			<languageKey index="de" type="array">
				<label index="test_label_one">eins (german NEW)</label>
			<languageKey index="fr" type="array">
				<label index="test_label_one">une (française)</label>

otherTranslationFile V3:
	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
		<data type="array">
			<languageKey index="default" type="array">
				<label index="test_label_two">two (default NEW)</label>
			<languageKey index="de" type="array">
				<label index="test_label_one">eins (german NEW)</label>
			<languageKey index="fr" type="array">
				<label index="test_label_one">une (française)</label>

Am 13.12.2011 um 17:52 schrieb Lars Patrick Heß:

> Hey all :-)
> i am  using the "locallangXMLOverride" in TYPO3 4.6 mechanism to override XML-languagefiles, i use the following line oh php code to configure the override in a localconf-file:
> 	$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['locallangXMLOverride']['path/to/originalTranslationFile.xml'][] = 'path/to/otherTranslationFile.xml'
> The content of the original translation file "originalTranslationFile.xml" is this:
> 	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
> 	<T3locallang>
> 		<data type="array">
> 			<languageKey index="default" type="array">
> 				<label index="test_label_one">one (default)</label>
> 				<label index="test_label_two">two (default)</label>
> 			</languageKey>
> 			<languageKey index="de" type="array">
> 				<label index="test_label_one">eins (german)</label>
> 				<label index="test_label_two">zwei (german)</label>
> 			</languageKey>
> 		</data>
> 	</T3locallang>
> The content of the translation file  "otherTranslationFile.xml", which is used to override translations, is this:
> 	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
> 	<T3locallang>
> 		<data type="array">
> 			<languageKey index="fr" type="array">
> 				<label index="test_label_one">une (française)</label>
> 			</languageKey>
> 		</data>
> 	</T3locallang>
> My testcase in typoscriot is something like this, it only outputs two translations via the TS-TEXT object:
> 	config {
> 		linkVars = L
> 		sys_language_uid = 0
> 		language = en
> 		locale_all = en_EN.UTF-8
> 		htmlTag_langKey = en
> 	}
> 	# DE
> 	[globalVar=GP:L=1]
> 		config {
> 			sys_language_uid = 1
> 			language = de
> 			locale_all = de_DE.UTF-8
> 			htmlTag_langKey = de
> 		}
> 	[global]
> 	# FR
> 	[globalVar = GP:L = 2]
> 		config {
> 			sys_language_uid = 2
> 			language = fr
> 			locale_all = fr_FR.UTF-8
> 			htmlTag_langKey = fr
> 		}
> 	[global]
> 	page = PAGE
> 	page.typeNum = 0
> 	page.10 = TEXT
> 	page.10.data = LLL:path/to/originalTranslationFile.xml:test_label_one
> 	page.10.wrap = | <br />
> 	page.20 = TEXT
> 	page.20.data = LLL:path/to/originalTranslationFile.xml:test_label_two
> The output in english (the default language) is this:
> 	une (française)  // << that's wrong! It must be "one (default)"
> 	two (default)
> In german:
> 	une (française)  // << that's wrong! It must be "eins (german)"
> 	zwei (german)
> In french:
> 	une (française)
> 	two (default) 
> The error occured while processing the locallangXMLOverrides-files, while loading the language "default" from the translation file "otherTranslationFile.xml" (which does not contain any default-translations), the french-translations are rreturned! So the default translations from the "originalTranslationFile.xml" translation file will be overridden while the merging process!
> When i replace the t3lib_div::readLLfile method with the code from TYPO3 4.5 (so that the new t3lib_l10n classes are not used) it works!
> Does anyone knows the problem?
> Thanks,
> Lars
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