[TYPO3-english] menu RO and insertData

Katja Lampela katja.lampela at lieska.net
Thu Aug 11 15:57:54 CEST 2011


I'm using an extension to create a menu that creates different background color for each menu item. The color is fetched from page properties.

No everything else works ok with the ts below, but I can't get the RO working. Idea is that the menu item backgroun color changes with mouse over. My guess is that the insertData doesn't work for the RO_chBgColor. Or at least not as used below. Any suggestions? Thanks!

temp.hakemisto1.1 = TMENU
temp.hakemisto1.1 {
    replace_overColor = 1
    replace_outColor = 1
    replace_actColor = 1
    noBlur = 1
    CUR = 1
    ACT = 1
    wrap = <div class="clear"></div><ul>|</ul>
    NO.wrapItemAndSub = <li id="hakemisto1{elementUid}" style="background-color:{field:tx_nmcmenu_outcolor};">|</li>|*||*|<li id="hakemisto1{elementUid}" style="border-right:none;background-color:{field:tx_nmcmenu_outcolor};">|</li>
    NO.wrapItemAndSub.insertData = 1
    ACT.wrapItemAndSub = <li id="hakemisto1{elementUid}" class="act" style="background-color:{field:tx_nmcmenu_actcolor};">|</li>|*||*|<li class="act" style="border-right:none;background-color:{field:tx_nmcmenu_actcolor};">|</li>
    ACT.wrapItemAndSub.insertData = 1
    CUR.wrapItemAndSub = <li id="hakemisto1{elementUid}" class="cur" style="background-color:{field:tx_nmcmenu_actcolor};">|</li>|*||*|<li class="cur" style="border-right:none;background-color:{field:tx_nmcmenu_actcolor};">|</li>
    CUR.wrapItemAndSub.insertData = 1
    RO = 1
    RO_chBgColor = {field:tx_nmcmenu_actcolor} | {field:tx_nmcmenu_outcolor} | hakemisto1
    RO_chBgColor.insertData = 1

With kind regards

Katja Lampela

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