[TYPO3-english] Multi level section index as unordered list / HMENU

Paul Vetch paul.vetch at kcl.ac.uk
Sun Nov 7 16:24:29 CET 2010

?Evening all,

We're trying to build a multi-level numbered section menu / ToC.  There is a 
great snippet for doing this on TYPO3wizard --


(this is also similar without the enumeration: )

 - These work fine, but we need output as a unordered list to two or three 
levels which can't be done from the above snippet because it can't cope with 
the wraps that are necessary.  I know it's possible to build an HMENU from 
conceivably any data in the TYPO3 DV but I can't see how it would be 
possible to set this up so that the data output at different 'levels' of an 
HMENU would correspond to the value of the 'header_layout' field.

Very grateful to hear from anyone who has managed this, done something 
similar, or has any useful suggestions ;)



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