[TYPO3-english] R: Re: menu with sectionIndex=1 and Templavoilà

De Contardi Riccardo Riccardo.DeContardi at bhuman.it
Mon Nov 1 11:37:21 CET 2010

Thank you for your answer.

I also noticed that the last version of TV (1.5.x) is maybe bugged when creating a sitemap element with type "Section index (pagecontent w/Index checked)" : these are my steps:

1- I created a content element in a page (UID=20), type: "sitemap", subtype "Section index (pagecontent w/Index checked)"
2- selected another page for starting point (UID=25) that contains some content elements with headlines. Saved everything
3- in web>page module the sitemap element doesn't show the starting point
4- in FE, no menu is created
5-if I select as starting point the same page which contains the sitemap element (UID=20), the menu is created, but contains every element of the page but the sitemap element itself.

I 've got a little suggestion... why don't replace "unlink element" with "delete element"? The last versions of Typo3 have the recycle bin, so the there is no much difference.

thanks again and best regards


-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: typo3-english-bounces at lists.typo3.org per conto di François Suter
Inviato: dom 31/10/2010 11.10
A: typo3-english at lists.typo3.org
Oggetto: [TYPO3-english]  Re:  menu with sectionIndex=1 and Templavoilà
Hi Riccardo,

> Works fine, except...I'm using Templavoila, so when I disconnect a content element (unlink element), it is still present in the menu... is it possible to avoid this?

Section menus don't work properly with TemplaVoila. You will also 
encounter problems with references and sometimes also with the various 
content areas, if they are not mapped properly to traditional page columns.

I have worked on this issue and came up with a library to be released in 
an extension. The extension is not published yet, but you can get from 


It already has a manual so you should be able to work things out.



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch
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