[TYPO3-english] strange problem in google chrome with tmenu_layers

Ron Hall ronslists at busynoggin.com
Wed Jun 16 18:09:10 CEST 2010

Hello Horace,

> ok, i didn't know... maybe this should be communicated a bit better on the
> typo3 website?

The reason for that is that the objects are not really obsolete. We are just saying practically speaking they are not needed. This is more of a best practices / opinion kind of thing.

> so is there some wiki or something with example javascript snippets? that
> would be very helpful and speed me up. :)

The JavaScript and CSS to do various menus really fall in the area of front-end coding and are not TYPO3 specific. My procedure is to to look at a menu and determine first the front-end code needed to accommodate it. The best place to learn about this or find examples are sites and resources covering front-end code. Once I have figured out what my output needs to be then I determine the TypoScript needed to create that HTML.

In others words, I would not rely on TYPO3 specific resources to figure out my final output code (HTML, CSS, JS). I would use TYPO3 resources to figure out how to output that front-end code once I knew what that needed to be.

> since i guess you still have to watch out for browser incompatibilities with
> javascript?

Not as much anymore. If all you need is a drop down menu then you can accommodate all browsers except IE6 with just CSS. You can add a little JavaScript to accommodate that browser.

Google "suckerfish menu" and it will give you one approach and the general principles.

Here is a sample of TypoScript to create a menu with nested lists which with the correct front-end code can be made into drop downs.

globalMenu >
globalMenu = HMENU
globalMenu.entryLevel = 0
globalMenu.wrap = <ul id="globalMenu">|</ul><!-- end #globalMenu  -->
globalMenu.1 = TMENU
globalMenu.1 {
	noBlur = 1
	NO.stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1
	NO.subst_elementUid = 1
	NO.allWrap= <li id="gmItem-{elementUid}" class="level-1">|
	NO.wrapItemAndSub = |</li>
	NO.ATagParams = class="linkLevel-1"
	NO.stdWrap.case = upper
globalMenu.2 = TMENU
globalMenu.2 {
	noBlur = 1
	wrap = <ul>|</ul>
	NO.stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1
	NO.wrapItemAndSub = <li class="level-2">|</li>
	NO.ATagParams = class="linkLevel-2"
	NO.stdWrap.case = upper


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