[TYPO3-english] Can't get to work Mailformplus

* k-do * kdokdo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 20:00:26 CEST 2009

Hi, I want a simple form to create fe groups using mailformplus.
I have a page with the mailformplus plugin and in the Setup of that page
there is the typoscript.
When I click "submit" nothing happens and nothing is saved to de DB. What
I'm doing wrong?
Here there is my template:

<!-- ###TEMPLATE_FORM### begin -->
<form name="Formular" method="post" action="###REL_URL###"
    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="###PID###">
    <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="1">
    <input type="hidden" name="L" value="0">

        <label for="title" accesskey="n">Titulo</label>
        ###error_title###<input type="text" name="title" id="title"
value="###value_title###" tabindex="1"/>
        <label for="subject" accesskey="s">Descripcion</label>
        ###error_description###<input type="text" name="description"
id="description" value="###value_description###" tabindex="2"/>
        <input type="submit" value="submit" tabindex="3"/><br/>
<!-- ###TEMPLATE_FORM### end -->

And my typoscript:

plugin.tx_thmailformplus_pi1.saveDB = 1
plugin.tx_thmailformplus_pi1.saveDB {

    dbTable = fe_groups


    # [inputFieldName]:[DBName]

    # set timestamp (submission time) to field crdate
    crdate = 1

Thank you

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