[TYPO3-english] pieces of template disappearing on T3 4.2.8

De Contardi Riccardo Riccardo.DeContardi at bhuman.it
Wed Oct 21 14:38:10 CEST 2009

Hello everybody!


Delighted to meet all the subscribers of this group; this is my first
request, and I'll hope you can help me.


I have a quite "weird" problem on my Typo3, but I'll try to explain

I'm using Typo3 4.2.8 on Debian Lenny Linux with the following
extensions loaded and running:


seo_basics       0.6.0

date2cal           7.2.0

kickstarter         0.4.0

kj_recycler        5.0.0

dam     1.1.1

pbsurveyexport            1.0.6

danp_realurlconfigurator           1.0.3

crawler  2.1.0

staticpub          1.1.0

cron_accessiblemenus  0.7.0

chgallery          2.5.0

css_styled_content       0.4.0

css_filelinks      0.2.16

dd_googlesitemap       1.0.3

pmkslimbox      3.1.0

realurl   1.5.3

naw_securedl    0.2.12

nc_staticfilecache         2.3.1

rgmediaimages 2.8.3

wt_doorman     1.1.2

accessible_is_browse_results   1.1.0

tt_address        2.2.1

bzdstaffdirectory          0.8.2

sr_freecap        1.2.0

felogin  1.0.0

sr_feuser_register         2.5.23

indexed_search            2.11.1

sr_language_menu        1.5.1

tt_news 2.5.2

newscalendar    1.0.16

pbsurvey          1.3.0

macina_searchbox        2.2.0

nc_pbsurveyfesimplestats        0.0.2

tipafriend_plus  0.1.5

pil_mailform     3.0.4

nbo_podcast    2.0.2

rt_pageteaser   1.4.0

wt_directory      1.3.21

chloginskin       1.1.0

api_macmade   0.4.7

cr_tmailform_captcha   0.0.1

md5passwords 1.0.4

static_info_tables         2.1.1

div2007            0.1.25

t3mootools       1.3.0

templavoila       1.3.7

oelib     0.6.1

doc_indexed_search     4.2.1


My problem is the following: some days ago I discovered that sometimes
the link to the page containing the plugin "tipafriend_plus"
disappeared mysteriously (the link is built via TS:



lib.tellafriend = USER

lib.tellafriend {

 userFunc = tx_tipafriendplus_pi1->main

 typolink.target =

 code = TIPLINK

 templateFile = fileadmin/templates/bhuman/ext/tipafriend_plus_css.html

 typolink.parameter = 30

 htmlMail = 0

 typolink.ATagParams = class="tx_tipafriend_tiplink"



The only way to put it back was clearing the Frontend Cache 


Yesterday, another problem: both the page with the plugin
"tipafriend_plus" and that with "sr_feuser_register"  were empty!! 

Today, in my login page, the link "Not a member yet? Click here to
register" (sr_feuser_register) was absent


The only way to put they back was clearing the Frontend Cache 


I don't have a clue about what's happening, why and how to debug it, as
these problems seems to occur randomly and for no reason at all (I used
T3 4.2.8 and now 4.2.9 on a virtual machine without experiencing any


Can anyone help me?  I'll appreciate any help or hint.


BTW, The followings are my static templates (in loading order) 



CSS Styled Content (css_styled_content)

Media files & images (rgmediaimages)

Static Info tables (static_info_tables)

FE User Registration CSS-styled (sr_feuser_register)

SlimBox t3m (pmkslimbox)

Universal Pageteaser (rt_pageteaser)

Addresses (tt_address)

CSS-based tmpl (tt_news)

News-feed (RSS,RDF,ATOM) (tt_news)

BZD Staff Directory (bzdstaffdirectory)

News Calendar (newscalendar)

default TS (nc_pbsurveyfesimplestats)

default CSS (nc_pbsurveyfesimplestats)





Thank you again for your kind collaboration



Riccardo De Contardi


B Human Srl - www.bhuman.it

Via Canzio, 15 - 20131 Milano

Tel +39.02 20 23 271 - Fax +39.02 20 240 561


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