[TYPO3-english] Formhandler's finishers aren't calling

Victor Livakovsky v-tyok at mail.ru
Sun Oct 4 18:39:14 CEST 2009

Hello, List!

I have a problem with a 'formhandler' extension. It doesn't call any
finisher, defined in TS.
I've enabled debug output, and here is it's output after form with only one
mandatory filed 'email' is submitted:

Initial values
Current step is: 1
Highest step subpart found in template file (number of steps): 1
Using prefix for form values: "formhandler"
Using view "Tx_Formhandler_View_Form"
The current GET/POST params are:
submitted 1
email v-tyok at uacoders.com

The current values in session are:
email mail at example.com

Using subpart "###TEMPLATE_FORM1###"!
Calling class "Tx_Formhandler_Interceptor_Filtreatment"
Calling validator "Tx_Formhandler_Validator_Default"
Skipped error check "required"!
Skipped error check "email"!
The current uploaded files are:

Storing GP in session!

After that the form with filled email is shown without any errors as well as
without mail sending and redirecting...
Also I'm worrying about "Skipped error check...". Why does it skips error

Here is my TS:
plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.predef.contactform {

  name = Contact Form
  debug = 1
  formValuesPrefix = formhandler
  templateFile = fileadmin/contact_form/contact_form_new.html
  langFile  = fileadmin/contact_form/contact_form_lang.xml
  stylesheetFile = fileadmin/contact_form/contact_form.css

  errorListTemplate {
    totalWrap = <ul>|</ul>
    singleWrap = <li class="mail_error">|</li>

  loggers {
    1 {
      class = Tx_Formhandler_Logger_DB

  initInterceptors {
    1 {
      class = Tx_Formhandler_Interceptor_Filtreatment

  validators {
    1.class = Tx_Formhandler_Validator_Default
    1.config {
      fieldConf {
        email.errorCheck.1 = required
        email.errorCheck.2 = email

  finishers {
    1.class = Tx_Formhandler_Finisher_Mail
    1.config {
      limitMailsToUser = 5
      admin {
        to_email = <my email here>
        to_name = Victor
        replyto_email = info@<domain.name>
        replyto_name = Robot
        sender_email = info@<domain name>
        sender_name = Robot
        subject = Web form filled
      user {
    2.class = Tx_Formhandler_Finisher_Redirect
    2.config {

HTML template:

<!-- ###TEMPLATE_FORM1### begin -->

<div id="formhandler_contact_form">


<form id="mailform" method="post" action="###REL_URL###">

<input type="hidden" name="formhandler[submitted]" value="1" />

<div class="mail_form">

<label for="email">###LLL:email######required_email###</label>
<input type="text" name="formhandler[email]" id="email"
<br />

<input type="submit" value="###LLL:submit###"/>




<!-- ###TEMPLATE_FORM1### end -->

<!-- ###TEMPLATE_SUBMITTED_OK### begin
  OPTIONAL - will be shown if form was submitted and all required fields
were filled out


<!-- ###TEMPLATE_SUBMITTED_OK### end -->

<!-- ###TEMPLATE_EMAIL_USER### begin
    OPTIONAL - this will be the email text that is sent to the user

<!-- plain -->

###LLL:hello### ###value_name### ###value_surname###,

<!-- ###TEMPLATE_EMAIL_USER### end -->

    OPTIONAL - this will be the email text that is sent to the user (html!)

<!-- html -->

###LLL:hello### ###value_name### ###value_surname###,<br />

<!-- ###TEMPLATE_EMAIL_USER_HTML### end -->

    OPTIONAL - this will be the email text that is sent to the admin

<!-- plain -->

Form was filled

<!-- ###TEMPLATE_EMAIL_RECEIVER### end -->

    OPTIONAL - this will be the email text that is sent to the admin (html!)

<!-- (html) -->

Form was filled<br />


<!-- ###TEMPLATE_ERROR### begin -->

<!-- ###ERROR_START### begin
this is used for the global error marker ###ERROR### -->

<span class="mail_error">###LLL:errors###</span><br />

<!-- ###ERROR_START### end -->

<!-- ###ERROR_END### begin -->

<!-- ###ERROR_END### end -->

<!-- ###TEMPLATE_ERROR### end -->

TYPO3 v. 4.2.6
formhandler  v. 0.9.3

Thank you for any help in advance! 

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