[TYPO3-english] [WORKSPACE] Contents diff

Sylvain Gourvil - Mediasmart sylvain.gourvil at mediasmart.fr
Thu May 14 13:05:14 CEST 2009

Hi all,

Please forgive me for my bad english writing.

I had a typo3 v4.1.x and updgraded to 4.2.
Using workspace, I was able to compare contents between live and my 
editor's workspace with a red/green iframes stuff (do not know the label 
for that).
Since the last upgrade, I could not see this functionality anymore.

Could someone tell me of it is so in the new release or if I am to 
stupid to understand how it works ^^ ?

Thanks in advance.

PS : I am looking for a while now for a screencast or great tutorial 
about workspaces management (on dev and/or webmaster side). I know it is 
a huge part but I hope there's something on web.

Have a good day.

<http://www.mediasmart.fr> 	*Sylvain Gourvil*
Développeur Web
Tél (33) 1 43 79 02 43
sylvain.gourvil at mediasmart.fr <mailto:sylvain.gourvil at mediasmart.fr>
	*Mediasmart* - Moteur de votre développement Web
6 impasse Charles Petit - 75011 Paris
Fax (33) 1 43 79 05 74
www.mediasmart.fr <http://www.mediasmart.fr>

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