[TYPO3-english] Configuring tt_news

Paulo Miranda paulorms at tre-sc.gov.br
Wed May 6 23:36:27 CEST 2009

Hi guys.

I have a plugin of news in my website which shows the last 20 news, all 
of one with its own date and time of creation.

How can I separate the news by date, that is: all news of day May 06 
groupped under a title May 06; all news of day May 05 groupped under the 
title May 05 and so on?

I have looked for it in the web and the one solution I found is in the 
Volkswagen's site which is a mix of calendar and tt_news plugins.

Anybody out there could help me?

Thanks in advance.

Paulo Roberto Miranda dos Santos
R: 7451

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