[TYPO3-english] mnogosearch and tt_news indexing

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Sat Jan 24 19:26:10 CET 2009

Hi Dmitry,

I've tried mnogosearch the last days - THANKS for this great extension and the detailed manual!

1. Found a few mistakes in the following paragraph (section: users manual):
To exclude parts of the web site from indexing, create an indexing configuration record as described above _bit_ set method to “Disallow”. It will prohibit any pages starting from the current path from indexing. The _the_ screenshot above (“Real” record). _...?_

2. Indexing of normal pages works like a charm (also disallowing of /news/.*). But I can't get tt_news record indexed.
In which order should these 3 indexing setups be?
- Record: tt_news
- Realm: disallow .../news/.*
- Server: http://...

I also tried tt_news as last one. Indexing recods are set up as in the manual.

I use tt-news 3.0.0, but this shouldn't matter IMHO. Furthermore TYPO3 4.3-trunk and mnogosearch-extension 2.2.0 with mnogosearch-module 3.3.8 snapshot.

mnogosearch setup ends with:
> # uid=10
> Period 10y
> Realm Disallow Regex http://www.dmm.local/news/.*
> # uid=7
> Period 1h
> Server http://www.dmm.local/
> # uid=11
> HTDBAddr mysql://typo3_dmm:123456@localhost/typo3_dmm/?setnames=utf-8
> HTDBList "SELECT CONCAT('htdb:/tt_news/11/', uid) FROM tt_news WHERE 1=1 AND tt_news.hidden=0 AND (tt_news.starttime<=1232817840) AND (tt_news.endtime=0 OR tt_news.endtime>1232817840) AND tt_news.deleted=0"
> HTDBLimit 4096
> HTDBDoc "SELECT title AS title,datetime AS last_mod_time,bodytext AS body FROM tt_news WHERE uid=$3"
> Server htdb:/tt_news/

If I manually run this query
> SELECT CONCAT('htdb:/tt_news/11/', uid) FROM tt_news WHERE 1=1 AND
> tt_news.hidden=0 AND (tt_news.starttime<=1232817840) AND
> (tt_news.endtime=0> OR tt_news.endtime>1232817840) AND tt_news.deleted=0"
i get 4096 results. Also
> SELECT title AS title,datetime AS last_mod_time,bodytext AS body FROM
> tt_news WHERE uid=xyz
works (with xyz = valid uid).

Running crawler gives the following output:
> st at st:/var/www/vhosts/dmm$ typo3/cli_dispatch.php mnogosearch -n -v 3                                      
> indexer from mnogosearch-3.3.8-mysql-DB2-solid-SAPDB-ibase-ctlib-freetds-oracle8-oracle8i started with '/tmp/mnogosearch-Qzj3Ky'                                                                                      
> [20851]{01} Writing words (0 words, 64 bytes, final).                                                      
> [20851]{01} The words are written successfully. (final)                                                    
> [20851]{01} Done (0 seconds, 0 documents, 0 bytes,  0.00 Kbytes/sec.)                                      
> indexer from mnogosearch-3.3.8-mysql-DB2-solid-SAPDB-ibase-ctlib-freetds-oracle8-oracle8i started with '/tmp/mnogosearch-Qzj3Ky'                                                                                      
> [20854]{01} URL: htdb:/tt_news/11/18670                                                                    
> {htdb.c:314} Query: SELECT title AS title,datetime AS last_mod_time,bodytext AS body FROM tt_news WHERE uid=18670                                                                                                     
> [20854]{01} No data received
> [20854]{01} Writing words (0 words, 64 bytes, final).
> [20854]{01} The words are written successfully. (final)
> [20854]{01} Done (0 seconds, 1 documents, 0 bytes,  0.00 Kbytes/sec.)

As I don't know anything about mnogosearch internals, I turned on mysql logging. While indexing there are no SELECT queries on tt_news table - if I understood Records-principle right, the should be directly retrieved from database.

3. When are Records indexed? I see that after saving of tt_news an entry in tx_mnogosearch_urllog is created and processed at indexing time.
Are news only indexed after saving (so should I create jobs for all existing news entries there)?
Nevertheless, also newly saved/created are not listed in search results :(

Can you give me any hints, where to search?

Thanks for all!

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