[TYPO3-english] EXT:piwikintegration

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Sun Dec 13 13:11:33 CET 2009

Hi Kay :)

> yes it should be possible.
> i have tested it with ~130 customers in one big installation with more  
> than 400 be_users
Great that you have to deal with similar situations.

> 1. Install piwikintegration
> 2. Setup the TS for at least one site (the siteid is fetched directly  
> form the page template setup) config.tx_piwik.piwik_idsite =  
> {$YourConstantForIdSite}
> 3. Go to Statistics > pick a page > watch the install > now your in piwik
> If EXT:piwik is not installed, than you can add the tracking code like  
> you want, but i need the setup mentioned above to get the siteid.

Okay, but the Piwik-Tables seem to be in the same Database as TYPO3,  
right? It tried to access PIWIK_DB.be_sessions, so I assume the limitation  
is on piwik side?

It would be great, if the path to piwik could be configured in EM.

I think I'll try it in a test installation again without using our  

> There is currently a known problem:
> siteid's are only created, when a user visits the be module. This will  
> be fixed soon.
What does this mean? Stats are count for the wrong site, if user never  
visited BE module?


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