[TYPO3-english] Mailformplus and multiple file upload

Reinhard Führicht rf at typoheads.at
Fri Aug 14 11:20:02 CEST 2009

Hi Victor,

fist of all I advice you to use the extension 'formhandler' in the 
future because it is the successor of th_mailformplus (which will not be 
maintained any further).

In Formhandler (and mostly in th_mailformplus too) it works this way:

In order to make a multiple file upload possible you have a special 
marker called ###submit_reload###. You place this along with a submit 
button and the form will not go to the next step but stay at the current 
step and perform file uploads.
When using th_mailformplus you have to search in the manual for that 
feature because I don't remember how it worked there. I only remember 
that in th_mailformplus multiple file upload is only possible in multi 
step forms. There is a similar marker to ###submit_reload### in 
th_mailformplus too. Just search the manual for it.

Example for Formhandler:

<input type="file" name="cv" id="cv" size="20"/>
<input type="submit" value="Upload file now" ###submit_reload###/>


plugin.Tx_Formhander.settings {


   validators.1.class = Validator_Default
   validators.1.config.fieldConf {
     cv {
       errorCheck {
         1 = fileMinCount
         1.minCount = 1
         2 = fileMaxCount
         2.maxCount = 5



This basically allows the user to upload up to 5 files but at least 1.


- The user browses for a file and clicks "upload file now".
- The user repeats this action until he has uploaded all files he wants
- The user clicks "next" or "send" to go to next step of the form.


Victor Livakovsky schrieb:
> Hi, List.
> I'm using 'th_mailformplus' extension and want to allow user to send 
> more, than one file within one file upload field (which mailformplus 
> should allow), but can't understand, how can I organise that?
> I have this in my HTML template (almost same as in example):
> <label for="cv">CV:</label>
>        number of allowed files: ###cv_numberOfAllowedFiles###<br />
>        allowed file types: ###cv_fileTypes###<br />
>        allowed file size per file: ###cv_fileSize###<br />
>        already uploaded files: ###cv_numberOfUploadedFiles###<br />
>        remaining files: ###cv_numberOfRemainingFiles###<br />
>        ###error_cv######value_cv###<input type="file" name="cv" id="cv" 
> size="20" maxlength="50000" accept="*.pdf,*.doc" />
> This in TS setup:
> plugin.tx_thmailformplus_pi1.fieldConf {
>  cv {
>    numberOfAllowedFiles = 3
>    fileTypes = pdf,doc
>    fileSize = 500000
>    fileUpload = fileadmin/user_upload/cv/
>    errorCheck = required
>    uploadedFiles {
>      template = ###fileName### 
> ###fileSize######linkDelete_start###delete###linkDelete_stop###<br/>
>      wrap = <div>|</div>
>    }
>    uploadedFiles.mail {
>        plainTemplate = ###filePath######fileName###
>        HTMLTemplate = <a 
> href="###filePath######fileName###">###fileName###</a><br/>
>    }
>  }
> }
> But I really can't see, how this feature should work. I assume, that 
> there must be some additional JS code and some additional link "upload 
> file", which uploads file only without sending whole form data, but 
> can't find a way to do that.
> If you have an experience with it, give me, please, some hint.
> Thank you in adavnce.

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