[TYPO3-english] Create GIFBULDER image object using the API

Matias Coca matiascoca at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 20:43:44 CEST 2009

I want to create a gifbuilder object image with an additional gifbuilder
image object inside using the api, I have read the api but i can't find the
proper way to do this.
I was able to create the main gifbuilder image but can't put the additional
image inside.

Below is the code witch i was trying


  $path = $myImagePath;
  $cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');

  $imgTSConfigThumb['file'] = 'GIFBUILDER';
  $imgTSConfigThumb['file.']['XY'] = 150,100
  $imgTSConfigThumb['file.']['format'] = 'jpg';
  $imgTSConfigThumb['file.']['quality'] = 85;
  $imgTSConfigThumb['file.']['backColor'] = 'white';
  $imgTSConfigThumb['file.']['10'] = 'IMAGE';
  $imgTSConfigThumb['file.']['10.']['file.']['import'] = $path;
  $imgTSConfigThumb['file.']['10.']['file.']['maxW'] = 150;
  $imgTSConfigThumb['file.']['10.']['file.']['maxH'] = 100;
  $imgTSConfigThumb['file.']['10.']['align'] = 'c,c';

  $thumbpath = $this->cObj->IMG_RESOURCE($imgTSConfigThumb);
  $link = '<img src="'.$thumbpath.'" class="thumbnail" />';


I suspect that the additional image object need to be process before hand,
can't find the proper function in the api doc.
Any hints or example will be great appreciated.

Matias Coca

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