[TYPO3] useCacheHash = 1 and caching

Ronald Steiner Ronald.Steiner at googlemail.com
Sun Sep 28 01:22:16 CEST 2008

Hi List,

for a language switch I use this TS-code to generate the link:

typolink {
     parameter.data = page:uid
     no_cache = 0
     useCacheHash = 1
     addQueryString = 1
     addQueryString.method = GET
     additionalParams = &L=2

now I face this problem:
If there is no additional query string to add (addQueryString = 1) the 
cHash is appended (useCacheHash) unnecessarily to the generated link. 
Typo3 sees this as a wrong cHash and does not cache the page.

So this language switch will only work with caching on pages like:
but but not here, cause mistakenly generated cHash:

There should be something like
    useCacheHash = "only if necessary"
    addQueryString = "only if there is something to add"

Any ideas?



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