[TYPO3] FELogin/FEUser-Register and Disclaimers?

Niels Fröhling niels.froehling at adsignum.com
Thu Sep 18 10:51:51 CEST 2008

 I patched this into my "sr_feuser_register" for now to solve the following:
> 3. accept the confirmation
>     *do _not_ set disable=0*
>     *do _not_ delete the hash*
>     *show disclaimer*
>     *verify if disclaimer is accepted through POST, _then_ continue 
                        // Hook: confirmRegistrationClass_preProcess
                    foreach($hookObjectsArr as $hookObj)    {
                        if (method_exists($hookObj, 
'confirmRegistrationClass_preProcess')) {
$hookObj->confirmRegistrationClass_preProcess($row, $this);

+                        // enforce agreement-confirmation
+                    if 
($this->conf['enableAgreementBeforeConfirmation'] && ($_POST['agree'] != 
'yes')) {
+                        $subpartMarker = '###TEMPLATE_' . 
+                        $content = 
$this->display->getPlainTemplate($templateCode, $subpartMarker, 
$markerArray, $origArray, $row);
+                        return $content;
+                    }

And this template-code:

<p style="margin-top: 20px"><em>This template is the response page when 
the user confirms his subscription(with disclaimer-agreement, prefixing 
autologin or aprove).</em></p>
<!-- ###TEMPLATE_SETFIXED_AGREE### begin -->
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="checkbox" id="tx-srfeuserregister-pi1-agree" name="agree" 
value="yes" />
<label for="tx-srfeuserregister-pi1-agree">###LABEL_IAGREE###</label><br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="###LABEL_BUTTON_ENTER###" />

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