[TYPO3-english] RealURL and typeNum bug

Victor Livakovsky v-tyok at mail.ru
Fri Oct 10 19:41:52 CEST 2008


I'm trying to create a print version of site. Everything is OK, except
RealURL bug (I suppose) with typeNum.
I have such TS setup for print page:

print = PAGE
print {
  typeNum = 98
  10 = TEXT
  10.data = field : title
  10.wrap = <h1> | </h1>

Nothing special - print page should only show page title.
Let's see it with RealURL:
Oops... Default page is showing.

And, what if we change language?
It works!

Maybe I have wrong setup for different language versions?
I firstly thought the same, until I opened:
It also working!

So, the language isn't the reason.

Then I noticed, that default page opens only in German version and
only on first level in page tree (treeLevel = 1).
But why? I don't have any TS Setup for different levels.

Then I added to the end of my template such code:
help = PAGE
help {
  typeNum = 123
  10 = TEXT
  10.value = Help me.

And again http://bwagt3.froglab.de/startseite.html?type=123 loads
default page (typeNum = 0), but
http://bwagt3.froglab.de/en/homepage.html?type=123 loads "Help me."
text same as http://bwagt3.froglab.de/ueber-uns/downloads.html?type=123

I have RealURL 1.5.2 (automatic configuration disabled), TYPO3 4.2.1

RealURL Setup:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['realurl'] = array (
    '_DEFAULT' => array (
        'init' => array (
            'enableCHashCache' => '1',
            'appendMissingSlash' => 'ifNotFile',
            'enableUrlDecodeCache' => '1',
            'enableUrlEncodeCache' => '1',
        'redirects' => array (
        'preVars' => array (
            '0' => array (
                'GETvar' => 'no_cache',
                'valueMap' => array (
                    'nc' => '1',
                'noMatch' => 'bypass'
            '1' => array (
                'GETvar' => 'L',
                'valueMap' => array (
                    'en' => '1',
                    'de' => '0',
                'noMatch' => 'bypass'
        'pagePath' => array (
            'type' => 'user',
            'userFunc' => 'EXT:realurl/class.tx_realurl_advanced.php:&tx_realurl_advanced->main',
            'spaceCharacter' => '-',
            'languageGetVar' => 'L',
            'expireDays' => '3',
            'rootpage_id' => '1',
            'disablePathCache' => '0',
            'segTitleFieldList' => 'alias,tx_realurl_pathsegment,subtitle,title',
            'autoUpdatePathCache' => '1',
        'fixedPostVars' => array (
        'postVarSets' => array (
            '_DEFAULT' => array (
                'archive' => array (
                    '0' => array (
                        'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[year]',
                    '1' => array (
                        'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[month]',
                        'valueMap' => array (
                            'january' => '01',
                            'february' => '02',
                            'march' => '03',
                            'april' => '04',
                            'may' => '05',
                            'june' => '06',
                            'july' => '07',
                            'august' => '08',
                            'september' => '09',
                            'october' => '10',
                            'november' => '11',
                            'december' => '12',
                'browse' => array (
                    '0' => array (
                        'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[pointer]',
                'select_category' => array (
                    '0' => array (
                        'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[cat]',
                'article' => array (
                    '0' => array (
                        'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[tt_news]',
                        'lookUpTable' => array (
                            'table' => 'tt_news',
                            'id_field' => 'uid',
                            'alias_field' => 'title',
                            'addWhereClause' => ' AND NOT deleted',
                            'useUniqueCache' => '1',
                            'useUniqueCache_conf' => array (
                                'strtolower' => '1',
                                'spaceCharacter' => '-',
                    '1' => array (
                        'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[swords]',
        'fileName' => array (
            'defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev' => true,
            'index' => array (
                'rss.xml' => array (
                    'keyValues' => array (
                        'type' => '100',
                'rss091.xml' => array (
                    'keyValues' => array (
                        'type' => '101',
                'rdf.xml' => array (
                    'keyValues' => array (
                        'type' => '102',
                'atom.xml' => array (
                    'keyValues' => array (
                        'type' => '103',


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